Cancer Libra Compatibility: When Cancer and Libra make a love - TopicsExpress


Cancer Libra Compatibility: When Cancer and Libra make a love match, they give to one another important things that each lacks. Both Signs seek a secure, assured relationship and will enjoy their shared appreciation for beauty and luxury — especially when it comes to their domestic environment. These two can blend their energies harmoniously if they choose to work toward a common goal. Though this pairing may progress more slowly than some others, and at first they may fear that they have little else in common than their mutual needs for companionship and love of beauty. However, the more they get to know one another, the better each individual in this Cancer-Libra love match will recognize and respect positive qualities in the other.Cancer appreciates Libra’s charm and tact, and Libra’s calm, cool diplomacy skills can tame even the wildest pouting fit a Cancer can muster up. Also, Libra, lover of aesthetic beauty and harmony, will appreciate their Cancer mate’s nurturing instinct for a comfortable home and the security that comes with it. Libra can offer the sometimes emotionally impetuous Cancer some perspective on situations. Cancer needs to see the different sides of an issue, or this Crab may be prone to making decisions without knowing all the facts. The Moon (Emotion) rules Cancer, and the Planet Venus (Love) rules Libra. These planetary partners share a love of home, family and romance.Libra sees life as a pure mental exploration, while Cancer’s experience is more tactile, more kinesthetic. In this relationship, there could be struggles over who wears the pants, who’s at the steering wheel, who’s really in control here. If Libra’s indecision irritates Cancer, Libra can turn on their subtle charm and sense of fairness and go along with Cancer’s decision — as long as Cancer doesn’t get Crabby! Their mutual appreciation of stability and domestic balance. Aesthetics matter to them, and they share a love of the comforts in life.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 15:22:55 +0000

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