Cancer Update November 11 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; - TopicsExpress


Cancer Update November 11 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. [6] In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 Today was another example of how the Lord has been directing and leading in my journey with cancer. Bae and I arrived in Cleveland Ohio tonight for my appointment with Dr. Rosenblatt tomorrow for a second opinion regarding the parastomal hernia that I have developed as a result of my surgery. We were greeted by the weatherman saying we are expecting 1 - 3 inches of snow tonight and another 1 - 3 inches tomorrow. Right now it is just a light drizzle. Oh my, I just looked out the window and the cars are white. I am amazed at the interest shown by the doctors at The Cleveland Clinic. When I wanted a second opinion on surgery for my tumor in January, I found Cleveland Clinic to be the #1 urology hospital in the U.S. and Dr. Stein was rated tops in urology at the Clinic. I picked up the phone on Thursday and called his office and he agreed to see me the next Tuesday. That is nothing short of a miracle. He agreed to do my surgery but suggested I have it done at Vanderbilt by his friend, Dr. Chang, since Vanderbilt was only 2-1/2 hours from home instead of 12. So that is what I did. Six months later in July, two weeks before my surgery, Dr. Stein called me at home and talked to me for 30 minutes about any questions I had regarding the surgery. Average doctors just don’t do that. A few weeks ago, when I wanted a second opinion about the hernia I developed from the surgery, I faxed Dr. Stein and asked his opinion on who I should see for a second opinion. He suggested I see Dr. Rosenblatt at Cleveland Clinic, who does these surgeries, which I am doing tomorrow. But tonight at the hotel I received a call from Dr. Stein’s nurse who said that since I was going to be at the clinic tomorrow, Dr. Stein would like to meet with me and he had set up an appointment for tomorrow afternoon. I can’t understand why he has taken this interest in me since I have never really been a patient of his. But I am extremely happy that he will be reviewing my surgery and what steps I should take next. Please pray as I meet with Dr. Rosenblatt at 11:30 and Dr. Stein at 2:15 tomorrow.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 02:11:00 +0000

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