Cancer? Why Lord? Why Me? A friend of mine is enduring a - TopicsExpress


Cancer? Why Lord? Why Me? A friend of mine is enduring a significant trial. After a routine breast exam showed masses in both breasts, and tests came back positive for breast cancer, she is going to undergo a double masectomy. The cure rate is very high, and the doctors are encouraging because they caught it at an early stage. At times like these, the mind reels with questions and concerns. Why, Lord? Why me? There is so much to the answer of these questions, and I won’t begin to pretend to have all of the answers. But, I can help light the way somewhat. Lord, please grant me the grace to minister to your dear daughter with tender peace and love. This is such a tough time in your life, and one I cannot pretend to grasp. I am so sorry for all you are going though, and will continue to go through. My heart aches for you! I hope to show you the evolution of sin, illenss, and death in our lives, the source, and what purpose it can possibly serve. In the beginning of time, as it is chronicled in the Bible, Adam and Eve dwelled peaceably in the Garden of Eden with God. God had told them that they could eat of all of the trees in the garden, but of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, they should not eat. Adam and Eve had no sin nature at the time. The Tree of Life was amongst the trees which they were given permission to eat from. The Tree of Life gave eternal life. You see? God had intended man to live with God in a sinless state for all eternity. But, Satan got to them first. He twisted the words of God and fed Eve a lie. She fell for that lie and acted out in disobedience to God – eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Instantly, sin was introduced to Eve, who then encouraged Adam to eat from the fruit. Satan, the one with the power of death (“Through death he [Jesus] might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil” Heb 2:14) had won for the moment. Death and sin were made known to Adam and Eve. God had to cast Adam and Eve out of the Garden because He is a holy and just God. He cannot be in the presence of sin, and He had to keep Adam and Eve from eating from the Tree of Life. If they had eaten from the Tree of Life, Adam and Eve would have been sealed in their sin and separated from God for all eternity – never to be restored again. God set His plan in place to restore mankind to Himself through the eventual death and resurrection of His own dear Son, but in the meantime – death, sickness, and disease had come to take its toll. A day is as a thousand years in God’s timing (“But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.” 2 Peter 3:8”), and it has only been a short while in heaven, but here, on earth, it’s another story. Time passes, and Satan still seeks to destroy anyone and anything he can get his hands on. So, the first answer to “Why, Lord?” is: because Satan is out to destroy mankind. That’s you, me, and everyone. God did not send cancer into your life, it’s important to know that. God may have permitted it, but be sure you understand where the source truly lies (with the father of lies!). I’ll get to “Why Me?” and why God would permit it in a moment. The Lord isn’t willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. (“The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” 2 Pet 3:9) The Lord is not willing that any should perish. That’s you, me, and everyone. God is busy setting right what Satan wronged. The Lord is coming back soon. He’s been “coming soon” for thousands of years, you say, but – remember - it’s only been a few days in heaven. But, if God is God – why can’t he stop death? Why is there disease? God already did stop them, in the future-perfect tense. (“And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.” Rev 21:4) There is a point in time when death and disease are no longer. But, it’s not yet presently. Why Me? Deep sigh … this is such a good question, and such a hard question. Every single Christian has experience to share. For some of us, the burdens are light and the experiences easy. For others, the burdens are heavy and the experiences deep. We’re all in this perishing world together (until Christ returns again). Have you ever heard of the song “Onward Christian Soldiers”? We are truly God’s soldiers in this world. Every soldier is given specific training to meet a specific need in order to help other soldiers do their job. Christians are given specific training … to meet a specific need … in order to help other people. I heard it once said that things happen to us, so that things can be worked in us, so that things can happen through us. Look around. There is death, sickness, and disease everywhere. Since Jesus’ resurrection from the dead, the Holy Spirit was sent back to indwell the body of all of those who receive the Lord Jesus into their lives. Today, God works through the Holy Spirit through the body of believers. In the Old Testament times, God worked in visible wonders and signs. Today, He still works – but He has chosen to work through people. God needs people. He needs YOU. He did not send this cancer to your life, but it does lie within His permissive will. Somewhere down the line, God looked at you and saw someone He could trust. Someone He could use. Someone who would listen to Him, honor Him – and, most of all, yield to Him. He needs you to gain the experience you are gaining so that you have the knowledge and understanding to reach another soul. Someone out there needs you. YOU are the only one who can reach them. Throughout this entire process, the Lord has chosen you to minister. You don’t have to be in church, or have a degree to minister. Ministry is simply prayerfully reaching people and allowing the Lord to touch their souls. As you go to your chemotherapy appointments, look around the waiting room. As you face this giant in your life, people will be watching. People who lack hope. People who lack faith. People whom God loves so desperately He’d allow you to endure this lamentable trial to reach. He chose you, dear one, because you are special to those people already, or will become that way. You are precious. So very precious to God. In a lost, sick, and dying world, the Lord needs Christians to reach the lost, sick, and dying. He needs someone filled with hope and love. He needs someone with a message of peace and hope for life eternal. He needs someone who can meet the eyes of another human being and, without uttering a word, simply convey, “I understand.” God needs YOU. I need you. We all need you. You will have your dark moments. Your soul will cry out in anguish as you try to stay strong for your children. But, somewhere in there – choose to see God’s purpose. Choose to see God’s grace and loving favor. Choose to be, somehow, grateful. Be sure of your salvation. Be sure you have invited the Lord Jesus into your life through a prayer of belief. If you have any doubt, bow your head right now, and simply pray, “Lord Jesus, I believe you came to die to pay for my sins, and for that I am grateful. Please come into my life and live through me in everything I say and do, Lord. Thank you for showing me the soul you intend to reach through me. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.” Hold fast your faith. Keep instruction, wisdom, and sound doctrine. And be blessed, beloved daughter of our most High King. 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Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 07:00:04 +0000

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