Cancer and Sagittarius Compatibility Cancer and Sagittarius - TopicsExpress


Cancer and Sagittarius Compatibility Cancer and Sagittarius together make stimulating but somewhat confusing connection and their relations are a bit of challenge from both the sides. Sagittarians like to experience surprises and unpredictability, while Cancer feels secure in a predictable atmosphere. But if they both give each other some time and allow growing, they can create some fun filled bonds. Cancer might portray a very stern personality but if one delves deeper then they realize that Cancer are very sensitive and cautiously intelligent creatures who appreciate their superiority with humbleness and use it properly. They are one of a kind determined people who are steadily strong and achieve success in all conditions. Cancer also cultivate great sense of humor and pronounced leadership skills. At times they can change their minds according to the opinions of the people they love the most, if they find it worthy. Cancer people are highly imaginative with a good taste for art and music and they have special values for traditions and culture in their hearts. Cancer are always very protective and warm towards every person they love and especially their family and parents. Sagittarians are quite the social creature. Their optimism and ideas are always soaring high in the sky and their strong urge to know things make them a keen observer. They always have a crowd of friends around them and one can seldom find them alone. The Sagittarius do not mince words, and do not posses any type of diplomacy. For them diplomacy equates to hypocrisy. They are very cheerful but at the same time can be quite skeptical about certain things. They are quite bright, often highly studious and intellectual, and optimistically philosophical, but equally stubborn, contrary, unpredictable and amazingly swift at racing away from problems. Sagittarius are bluntly honest and hardly pay any heed to the feeling of anyone once they decide to speak the truth. Through the sensitivity and sincerity displayed by Cancer and Sagittarius respectively, they can understand each other’s emotions completely. With time the Cancer realizes that the Sagittarius have an ability to multiply their wealth within a short period of time. Cancer need to be appreciated even when they are going through rough times. Sagittarius always remains inquisitive about the Cancer and it is the sheer inquisitiveness which makes their bond stronger. Initially Cancer might not be able to appreciate the Sagittarian’s practical jokes, but when they realize their intentions behind it then they have no qualms with the jokes. Also the Cancer try to make the Sagittarius sensitive towards many things in life, but with time they realize that Sagittarians cannot match up to Cancer’s sensitivity. The bone of contention between the Sagittarius and the Cancer would often be due to issues related to money. The Cancer loves to save money for the rainy days whereas the Sagittarius likes to enjoy their present life by spending money. They can find out a solution for this problem which is mutually decided by both of them. Cancer might express their displeasure over the Sagittarians’ money spending habits, by passing harsh remarks at them or just by crying inconsolably. But when Sagittarius see Cancer crying then they realize that they have done something wrong and try to find out ways to console the Cancer. After sometime even the Cancer realize that they have hurt the Sagittarius with their harsh words and try to create a peaceful environment. The Sagittarius love their freedom so the Cancer have to draw the line between their protective and possessive attitude so that the Sagittarius do not feel suffocated. Cancer and Sagittarius share a very fun filled bond with each other in the form of buddies, siblings, colleagues and relatives. They never compete with each other and usually give their best to improve the other person and bring some worthy changes in them. As business partners they may not be best fit for each other as a Sagittarius gets bored of one thing very soon and business usually needs ample determination and patience. So the Cancer partner has to make most efforts in such case. Love relationship of Cancer and Sagittarius can have many colors from gloomy to merry depending on their connection and time they give to each other to get over with their differences. Parents and children share a very special bond as no parents can be a better friend for Cancer children then Sagittarius parents and no parents except Cancer can be more protective for the easy going Sagittarian children. As the time passes and Cancer and Sagittarius get along with each other for a greater time, they start facing some major problems of their characters. Both of them do not like to get dominated by their partner. Some problems can arise due to this even though the Sagittarius does not want to don the cap of the leader but at the same time they do not want to follow the orders given to them. If they want they can follow the orders or simply refuse to follow the instruction given by the Cancer. Cancer might realize that any relationship with Sagittarius might be a bit difficult in the initial stages but with time they let go of their overtly sensitive nature. When the Cancer stops being sensitive then they can enjoy many things in life and most importantly strike the right chord with Sagittarius. When their sensitive nature is not overpowering their personality then Cancer can deal with the blunt comments of Sagittarius in a more mature manner.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 07:22:17 +0000

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