Cancer it is a life changer one way or another. In 2011 I was - TopicsExpress


Cancer it is a life changer one way or another. In 2011 I was diagnosed with Squamous Cell Carcinoma P16 in the neck with a primary at the base of the tong. I have been through surgery, chemo and radiotherapy, fed for months via a feeding tube and lost family members to cancer. I now believe that we as a society do not have to be this sick and that there is an alternative. Grab an apple, a couple of these DVD’s and books it can be amazing what is hidden in plain sight. Read: • How a Man Lived in Three Centuries by Roger French. • “The Raw Cure: Healing beyond medicine.” By Jacoby Jesse. Kindle eBooks • “Healing the Gerson Way – Defeating Cancer and Other chronic Conditions.” By Charlette Gerson and Beata Bishop. • Also several associated DVD’s. Watch: • The juicing video “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead.” fatsickandnearlydead/ • Dr Max Gerson, Therapy. You can easily download and watch these documentaries for free: youtube/movies/documentary found on pages 1 and 2. • “Dying To Have Known.” Gerson Therapy • “The Gerson Miracle” by Dr Max Gerson and • “Beautiful Truth” (Gerson) • “Cancer: The money trail. The Forbidden Cures.” ”youtube/watch?v=l7k-GlLhpp8 “Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food:” (Hippocrates): • Clean fresh water. • CellFood” drops. After hundreds of clinical cases, Cellfood simply has all the bases covered for overall detox and strengthening the system. Download the eBook. It was developed by the scientists who created the atom bomb so as to avoid them dying from radiation poisoning, it worked and they lived another 40 years or so. We add it to our water bottles, 7-15 drops/day. o Supply Australia my nephew Cullen.([email protected] Ph 0458 487 093). o • Eat raw living, leafy foods in accordance with the book “The Raw Cure: Healing Beyond Medicine” by Jacoby Jesse. o I found sprouting and microgreens to be nutritious, tasty, easy and fun. • Add super foods to your diet. o Vegetables, fruits, berries, beets, beans, lentils, seeds, oats, turmeric, ginger, garlic, onions, sweet potatoes and brown rice. My raw superfood breakfast, which suits my A+ blood type, is a bowl of: oats with turmeric, ginger, garlic, chia seeds and bran, soaked overnight with a bit oat milk for taste, (very tasty, as in lots of taste). If I soak this breakfast instead of cooking it I can work a good two to three hours longer before I need lunch. This is the difference between me being trim or a bit fat. Cancer treatment, an alternative to “Slash, Burn and Poison”. • The Gerson Institute is a non-profit organization in San Diego, California, dedicated to providing education and training in the Gerson Therapy, an alternative, non-toxic treatment for cancer and other chronic degenerative diseases. In youtube search for Gerson (Max or his daughter Charlotte Gerson) • Various: Raw vegan health retreats. Health with mind and body co-ordinated: • Static meditation made easy with sound technology: brainev/?a=dogbite55 demo brainev/demo/?a=dogbite55 • Moving meditation. Good martial arts is: 90% mental and only 10% physical. Examples of moving meditation: colouring in, most sports, Yoga and Tai Chi, I practice Aikido “The key to ‘dying young, but at a very old age’ is to ensure that our bodies are maintained in a pristine state within – that is, free of excessive toxaemia. If we can achieve this, pretty well everything else falls into place” Roger French. “There is no money in healthy people and no money in dead people. The money is in the middle. People who are alive, sort of, but with one or more chronic conditions.” Bill Maher from his book “Forks over Knives”. Reference Site. • DVD’s and books found at “The Natural Health Society of Australia”. Skiptons Arcade, Upper Level, Suite 28 541 High Street, Penrith NSW 2750 Ph: (02) 4721 5068 - Fax: (02) 47311174 Grant McGuinness
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 07:24:29 +0000

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