Candida Diet Strategies It is no surprise that you are sick - TopicsExpress


Candida Diet Strategies It is no surprise that you are sick of living with Candida symptoms. A yeast called Candida Albicans has overgrowed, which results to many symptoms, including abdominal bloating, skin complaints, thrush and joint pain to irritability, headaches, poor concentration and extreme fatigue. However, the truth is that Candida symptoms can be relieved of your diet changes. Lets start out by saying that these anti Candida diet strategies are not something that you are going to have to follow forever. You just have to change your eating habits temporarily as part of your treatment for yeast infection. Avoid Sugar Candida loves sugar. It positively thrives on it. You have to cut off the supply. Yes, I know that you probably love sugar but the problem is your body doesnt. So you must avoid sweets, cakes, biscuits, sweetened drinks etc. Fruit, although high in nutritional value, does contain fruit sugars, so is best avoided. A good sugar substitute is a product called Xylitol. It looks and tastes just like sugar but does not feed Candida. It can be a great help if you are addicted to sugary foods. Refined carbohydrates such as white bread, pasta or rice are quickly broken down by the body into sugar so you should switch to wholegrain versions of pasta and rice. Milk contains lactose which the body quickly converts to sugar so products containing milk are off limits too. Read Food Labels Sugar can come in many guises. Natural sugars include fructose, honey, molasses and raw sugar. But, they are still sugar. And youd be surprised at the range of non-sweet tasting foods that have hidden sugars. These include sandwiches, ready meal main courses and sauces. Understand Glycemic Load Learn about the glycemic load (GL) of the carbohydrate foods you currently eat. Basically you want to be eating foods with a low glycemic load. This means that as the food is broken down by your digestive system the sugars are released slowly. Eating protein at every meal or snack will also help keep your blood sugar levels more stable and help counter food cravings. Avoid Yeast Given that you have a yeast infection it is hardly surprising that consuming yeast is not a good idea. That means no yeast raised breads, pizza, bread coated chicken or fish, wine, beer etc. Once again reading food labels is essential. And, if you take any nutritional supplements as part of your treatment for yeast infection make sure they are yeast free too. And dont worry, there are lots and lots of delicious tasting foods to eat on a Candida cleanse diet. So, go ahead and take the first steps to a healthier you.
Posted on: Sun, 15 Jun 2014 06:30:43 +0000

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