Candy Clark for Arkansas State Representative Richard S. - TopicsExpress


Candy Clark for Arkansas State Representative Richard S. Drake/October 29, 2014 arktimes/blogs/streetjazz/ Throughout my life, I have avoided “endorsing” candidates; I consider it somewhat pretentious, and despite the intellectual snobbery of some of my fellow political travelers - both liberal and conservative - I actually think that most people are pretty smart, once they have all the facts at their disposal. To believe otherwise would mean that I am just wasting my time as a writer, and I could better spend my time being a Mystery Shopper. Even as a newspaper editor, I avoided endorsing candidates - the paper I worked for endorsed issues, such as the Human Dignity Resolution, but not candidates. We always felt that if we just informed our readers, they would be smart enough to make their own choices. But this year I am going to break my cardinal rule, and endorse an actual human being, and that is . . . . . . Candy Clark, candidate for Arkansas State Representative, District 84. No big surprise there, though, since you probably read the title. But why, after so many years, am I suddenly becoming restless, and traveling down the road not taken? I have known Candy Clark for a little over 20 years, ever since we worked together on the board of the AIDS Resource Center of Northwest Arkansas. Since that time she has served not only on the Fayetteville Planning Commission, But also the Washington County Quorum Court, with an emphasis on serving the public. It was also my great honor to help present a play she wrote some years ago on Fayetteville’s Community Access Television. I’m not going to bash Charlie Collins, he is a nice man, and was willing to come on my show and spend a good 45 minutes in conversation, a rarity at a time when many conservatives are afraid to go anywhere but on show with “soft ball” questions. Even so, there isn’t a whole lot that Charlie agree on politically. I think that Candy Clark would make a splendid Representative for District 84, and if you’d like to know more about her, you can find the facts at: votecandyclark/ I realize that I may well be preaching to the choir, but it’s always possible that I may reach a couple of folks who are still sitting on the fence. After all, that’s what writers do, we cast our bread upon the waters, and who knows where it might end up? ****** Quote of the Day To dislike the age in which you live is not inhuman, though it is probably impolitic, and unlikely to help you in being of service to it. - John Ayscough [email protected]
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 05:52:32 +0000

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