Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil updates. Personal stories. Controlling - TopicsExpress


Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil updates. Personal stories. Controlling migraine headaches. One lady informed me that since she has started taking the capsules, her migraines have been under control for two weeks. Another person told me that normally, when a migraine hits her, it usually means a full day in a quiet, dark room. A couple of weeks ago, a migraine started in the morning. She immediately took 3 capsules (in addition to the 3 she normally takes with breakfast and 3 with supper), and within half an hour, her migraine was gone, and she put in a normal, long day at work, with no ill effects. Controlling joint pain. One person was very skeptical about using any meds, prescription or alternate, to control the pain in his knee.. He started taking the capsules just over a week ago, and now, has no knee pain at all. One lady had severe pain in her shoulders, which limits how high she can lift her arms. After taking the capsules for a week, she can now comfortably raise her arms over her head. Pain caused by nerves. One lady told me that she suffered severe pain from sciatica. After being on the capsules for just over a week, she no longer suffers the pain which used to run down her hip and into her leg. It appears as though her sciatica is under control. Controlling blood sugar. One lady had difficulty maintaining proper blood sugar level without the assistance of prescription meds. After taking the capsules for two weeks, it appears as though her blood sugar has stabilized in the normal region, and she is able to maintain that level without taking any prescription meds. Blood circulation. One gentleman used to suffer knee pain after a long day at work. Now that he has been taking the capsules for a couple of weeks, he no longer suffers knee pain, but can also feel his toes, which means that his blood circulation has improved. Lifting the spirits. A couple of people have reported that they feel better, have better appetites and experience less nausea since starting on the capsules. CAUTION: This is not a miracle drug. It does not work for everyone. As with any medication, whether prescription or alternate, you should monitor your whole body condition very closely, and if you have any doubts, please consult your physician as you normally would before taking any medication. In addition, you should never stop taking any prescription medication without consulting your doctor. You should also monitor your blood pressure closely, as this can be one indication that any med may be improving your health, or creating a problem which requires medical attention. HOW DOES CANNABIS SATIVA SEED OIL WORK? The oil appears to work as an anti-inflammatory, reducing swelling in joints. It also seems to cause the blood vessels to relax, allowing blood to flow more easily to all parts of the body. This being the case, it means that the blood is able to take up more oxygen in the lungs, and distribute it to all parts of the body. It is well known that oxygen is one of Mother Natures natural healers. Thats why you remove a band aid after a cut has started to heal, so that air, or more specifically, oxygen, can heal the wound. That is also why medical staff put injured athletes in hyperbaric chambers, which are pressurized with extra oxygen, to promote healing of their injuries. Sports teams want their highly paid athletes to return to the playing field as soon as possible after suffering an injury. I am sharing these stories because these people are experiencing relief which has evaded them previously, even with prescription medications. This is not scientific evidence. These are personal stories. In addition, I am not sharing these stories to sell more capsules. That is entirely a personal decision. During my 17 years of offering satellite TV, I believe I never willingly tried to sell something to someone if they werent sure they wanted it. In many cases, and especially at Trade Shows, I remember telling potential customers to go home and think about it before confirming an order. I would rather lose a potential customer, than have anyone think I was selling them a bill of goods. I will conclude with another testimonial I received today. Ok Here goes. When winter hits and the temp drops, my knees get stiff and sore. They often feel puffy and sluggish. This makes driving my stick shift truck painful and getting in and out of the truck can also be very hard to do. Often I find it hard to do my monthly shopping with the pain of getting in and out of the truck and walking around in the stores and parking lots. I normally take script Advil pain meds to just dull the pain enough to move around. My Dr. is not happy that we have had to boost the amount I take to 3 a day. I am not happy about this either as I find that sometimes that is not enough. About 2 weeks ago I saw a post of a product that was not being promoted by some super star. Something told me to give it a try. One of the things that also caught my interest was the fact that it was made with the seeds of an herb that I felt is under rated for its good benefits and picked on for what it produces if left to grow to full flower. This product is called Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil. I ordered 2 bottles just to give it a good try out. Last Friday, I received the bottles in the mail and as soon as I got them home I took the first recommended amount of 3, then I took the next 3 that night. I repeated this process for the next 3 days and on the morning of the forth day I forgot to take my 3 in the morning, went to town to do a favor for a friend that meant I had to get in and out of the truck. I notice, however, that even though it was around -15c and foggy (adding to the dampness to the air), my knee was not hurting near as much. This day should have been painful but it was not. When I got home from my little trip, took my daily first 3 with joy. I look forward to seeing how much more pain it will get rid of. I will keep you posted as to how things are going. The other thing I am keeping a look out for is how many times I wake up in the night due to knee pain. That is also one of the things that scrip Advil is not helping with. In the mean time, KOODOS to Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil. FEEL FREE TO ADD YOUR OWN STORIES IN THE COMMENTS.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 03:07:20 +0000

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