Cant Lose Weight While on Plexus? By Dr. Janet Maccaro - TopicsExpress


Cant Lose Weight While on Plexus? By Dr. Janet Maccaro ~Author~ By Sheila Taylor Great info that Dr. Janet Maccaro just posted on her page. Cant Lose Weight While on Plexus? By Dr. Janet Maccaro By now, many , if not most of you have been losing pounds and/or inches on your Plexus journey. Your testimonies have been so wonderful to receive each day. Then there are those of you who are not seeing weight loss as quickly as expected or maybe not at all. Dont give up! There are 4 basic reasons why this is occurring .... 1) Toxic overload2) Yeast overgrowth3) Inflammation(chronic)4) Stress Today , I want to teach you about Candida yeast overgrowth and detection. All of us have it to one degree or another. It is when candida yeast is too abundant that very real systemic issues occur , wreaking havoc on every body system. This in turn will prevent weight loss from happening . What can you do? First identify if you have a yeast overload issue. Second...take a good probiotic formula (ProBio5) to crowd out the yeast in your gut and intestinal tract and restock it with healthy flora. Then you must eradicate the dead matter, (yeast, toxins, etc) from your body (Bio Cleanse will do the trick here). And finally, limit your intake of SUGAR and carbs which is literally candidas FAVORITE food! THis is where your PINK DRINK ...Plexus Slim comes to the rescue! So once you inner system is balanced and cleansed , THEN you will see victories on the scale....until then celebrate the victory now for you are winning the long standing battle that has been going on in your body for years. It is this battle that has brought you here and Plexus ! Heres more.... Did you know that the reason you’ve been unable to shed those stubborn pounds from the belly and thighs could be due to the natural yeast content in your body? It’s true. Yeast overgrowth (also known as Candida Albincans) is a major inhibitor of weight loss. Candida can wreak havoc on the body in a number of ways, from thyroid problems, to inability to naturally regulate blood sugar levels correctly, to causing dizziness, tiredness, and even joint pain. In combination with all of these attacks Candida often times places significant barriers to weight loss. That is why so many diets for women fail. Even the most healthy diet plan followed to the letter can prove ineffective if there is an overabundance of yeast in the body fighting your attempt to shed those unnecessary lbs. But how do you know if yeast could be to blame for your weight struggles? A quick and simple way to determine if Candida Albincans is preventing you from reaching your weight loss goals is to take the yeast test. Here’s how it works. Before going to bed fill a glass with water and place it on your nightstand. Do not drink from it.When you wake up immediately spit into the water. Don’t work up a good gob of gunk and flem. Just use the saliva that is already in your mouth to spit into the glass.Wait two full minutes before checking the glass. After two minutes hold the glass up to the light and gently tilt and rock it from side to side. Pay careful attention to the saliva floating at the top of the glass. If your spit sits on top of the water and then slowly dissolves leaving no film or trace, then congratulations, you are Candida free! If the spit sits funnels down the glass, creating strings or tentacle like trails, you have Candida Albincans (yeast overgrowth) which could be inhibiting your weight loss efforts. If the spit quickly sinks or the water turns cloudy you could have severe yeast overgrowth that not only prevents you from shedding weight but could be causing your body serious harm. NO worries...because once you know your then know how to fight. Plexus gives you an arsenal to WIN and win big! Radiant health can be your s ...just dont give up the fight! I say this with complete love and dedication to helping you live longer, better , and forever by Gods grace.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 04:15:01 +0000

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