Cant forget about this little one. The lefty that stole my heart - TopicsExpress


Cant forget about this little one. The lefty that stole my heart at 6 years old. This girls progress is nothing short of amazing. I remember when we first started t-ball season I saw her on the first day of practice and she was so focused on how to do it right. But, then, she was so frustrated when she got it wrong. I said, I like this kid. I mean I like them all, but some always have that something that you can tell from the time you first watch them play. When she finally discovered the power of that left arm it was over! She had the best arm in 5-6 Tball history at SBBA. I would bet money on it. She would hold that arm up, and whoever was on the receiving end would back up before she even released the ball. Ill never forget when her mom, Davina said Kennedy! Dont throw it so hard! Because none of the kids could catch. I said no Kennedy you throw the ball as hard as you can, thats your job, their job is to catch it, they have to figure that out. Last year when she threw the ball from short I used to say under my breath Gunner! Because she had that heat. Last year she was so frustrated that she turned her head when the ball came because, like all kids, she was scared of the ball. I told them, I know how it feels because I remember feeling it. You want to pull your head but you have to make yourself, stick and stay. Force your head from turning, watch the ball, and glove it. She would get so frustrated when she turned her head and I watched her, tighten those lips, squint those eyes and make me hit her another one and another one and another one until she was able to do it. This shot is my favorite. Thats the face! You did it girl! You not turning your head anymore. I love that face, because I know what that face represents to her. So freaking proud and Im crying while Im typing. Like Im actually crying. When did I turn into a girl?
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 21:35:36 +0000

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