Cant help but wonder, earlier I noticed a post saying women gets 1 - TopicsExpress


Cant help but wonder, earlier I noticed a post saying women gets 1 year in prison for hanging a piece of bacon on the door of a Mosque.. Now I understand that is massively disrespectful and very wrong.. Prison sentence a tad harsh especially as she had a young child.. Then later today I read that the chap that burnt all those poppies received a fine? Now its not like me to normally get annoyed by this.. But burning the poppy had a much larger effect on the Nation and its people than a slice of bacon on a door no matter how offended the attendees of the Mosque may have been. After all you way the two up, and well the Burning of one of Britons biggest symbols is surely far worse a crime.. After the brave men that fought and lost their lives for this proud nation.. The poppy being the biggest way of us to show our respect and Remember them.. Just slightly confused how the two were dealt with..
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 19:28:46 +0000

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