Cant remember all that much of Primary School. But Ill never - TopicsExpress


Cant remember all that much of Primary School. But Ill never forget the moment somebody confirmed Santas nonexistence. Twas a cold December morning, P6, waiting in the line for my school dinner. I was holding my plate which the dinner ladies so generously heated up for me. I was waiting for my mince meat and mashed potatoes to slide onto my plate when I hear this boy behind me say You do know Santas not real I erupted. bollox mate your heads in the clouds! Never heard as much shite in all my life! I refused to believe him. What makes you think hes not real? My mates are laughing at him at this point, backing me up in disbelief. You think about it, do you honestly think a fat man in a red suit flies about the skies in a sleigh powered by flying reindeer, and manages to deliver presents to 6 billion people in a matter of hours? I felt slightly embarrassed at this point, maybe he was right, but I had to continue the argument, I didnt want to look stupid in front of my pals. I had to think of something quick. Hahahah get a load of this guy! This is the 21st century mate, hes clearly a magician. Whats next? You gonna try and tell me that the tooth fairy doesnt exist? It all hit me so fast, my childhood was a lie.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 16:52:24 +0000

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