Cant shake an image or a feeling... last night the boys and I went - TopicsExpress


Cant shake an image or a feeling... last night the boys and I went to LAX to pick Dave up and as we were approaching what we believed was the area he would waiting for us, there were flashing lights of emergency vehicles everywhere and a police traffic controller trying to move traffic along. Great, my first thought, Im going to have to go all the way around again and poor Dave is waiting for us...Zach take a picture just to show Dad, seriously, how on it we were to pick him up just at the perfect time and this crazy inconvenience happened!... not once, with LAX craziness swirling in my head did I think about what it was happening. I handed Zach my phone to document the horrible inconvenience... and as he took the picture he said, Mom, there is a man on the ground and they are giving him CPR?! Oh, I said as I almost ran into a Prius Taxi, then realizing that someone was suffering. Zach said, wow, Ive never actually seen someone really getting CPR in my life? Me either, I said sadly. Calmer, anger gone, nothing but trying to send strength and healing for the man now. We did have to circle back around again, this time it was just a body with a white sheet over it. I dont know if this man had just said goodbye to someone he loved and was about to leave on a journey, if he was just coming home... either way its an image the boys and I will never forget and I hope his family and friends are ok. :( Take the time to hug the ones you love and remember to breathe, even through LA traffic... you just never know.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 13:25:44 +0000

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