Cant wait to see what the newest national social unrest event will - TopicsExpress


Cant wait to see what the newest national social unrest event will be that will be utilized to focus our attention off the beheading of this latest American citizen and away from the fact that nothing is being done about it by this administration. I say its gonna be a toss up between something to do with guns or race. What say yall? Whatever it might be Im sure itll be scripted in a way so as to turn us on each other and away from the real enemy......Our elected officials. Maybe well get lucky this time and combine both the guns AND race for a REAL show. Oh....Wait a minute.....Weve done that one to death. Never mind. Any suggestions for this newest one sure to come up? I can guarantee it wont be anything to do with Muslims this time. Way too easy to draw a straight line comparison back to the problem at hand (Beheading) and we cant have that now can we? Noooooooo.....Its gotta be something new and different or at least improved upon this time. I Know!!!! Maybe a good old fashioned school shooting or something along those lines! Havent had one of those in a couple of months now. Yeah....That might just be the ticket. Beheading? What beheading? (By the way.....I still remember Benghazi. Yep....Sure do.) Lets see......So far we have Whites vs Blacks (Always gonna have that one I guess) Haves vs. Have nots, Pro life vs. Pro choice, Rich vs. Poor, Liberal vs. anybody that has a lick of sense, Democrat vs. Republican (Of course) Christians vs. Atheists, Gay vs. Straight and ya know.....I saw a Boy Scout talking to a Girl Scout on the street corner the other day and they sure did look chummy. Cant have that crap. Any ideas on how to take care of that little problem? Maybe get a little bloodshed started between those two factions?
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 06:28:33 +0000

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