Capacity for Perspective Taking: Too Much - TopicsExpress


Capacity for Perspective Taking: Too Much Chicken!#consciousevolution #cdfandconsciousevolution Just noticed that there is an abundance of left-over cooked chicken in the refrigerator. Now I live in a household of 8 (medium age 78) with a part time cook. Our system is that everyone takes a turn at being the buyer. The buyers job is to plan the menus; shop/order for the food; regulate the amounts according who is in the house; and coordinate with Margaret the cook. There is a daily chart in which people sign up to be present for dinner. It occurs to me that this is an opportunity to look at capacity for perspective taking in that all of us will have our first person perspective on the chicken situation. Mine is that there is too much left over chicken. Some one else might feel security by the amount of chicken, better too much than too little. And someone else, might think, its only chicken, just throw it out. Assuming for those that see it as a problem, looking to a second person perspective might be, whose fault is this? Who is the buyer? Or this person has been signing up to be here for dinner but then doesnt show up. A third person perspective might include our system. How can we adjust our system so that we dont have so much left over chicken? Elderly dont eat the same size portion as younger people, maybe making a count that assumes uniformity is whats wrong. An even larger perspective might include our relationship to food. Do we have an understanding of factory farming? Should we even be eating chicken at all from a justice stand point? Want to know more? Read Diane Hamiltons Everything Is Workable: A Zen Approach to Conflict Resolution
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 12:42:52 +0000

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