Capitalism=cannibalism Individualism is a nice thing, but the - TopicsExpress


Capitalism=cannibalism Individualism is a nice thing, but the human society started out as a herd, we needed each other, we depended on each other, we knew we can depend on each and everyone, because it was the way for a tribe to fare well in these hars times, where we had predators weighing tonnes of flesh and raw muscle that had only one purpose, to find food and a human being was such an easy prey, when they would have been individualist, our society would have been stopped in tracks as early as this. Together we became strong, evolved, we loved each other, and respected each other, everyone had their purpose in a clan, every life had a meaning. These times now, are truly the dark ages for humankind, where a life means so little, and they put our lives into money. Because now we have individualism, we cant depend on no-one, but the people who are foolish enough to not care about their personal success, but they still hold on onto humanity and their beliefs and morals. Our own very wealthy people, the greatest individualists have become the tonnes of raw flesh, by manipulating other people who are willing to do the dirty work for them, telling us lies, crying over being wealthy, inspite people dying of hunger in neglect from society based on individualism. Teaching our children to be even more individualists, will leave no-one to care about anyone, until everybody is a total individualist, the whole idea loses the point and it all comes down to a battle royal determing whose ego is biggest whose self-righteousness is more true and important and so on, until it all has no meaning no-more, because there simply isnt anyone around who would give a shit. Wars waged only for one mans greed, millions of lives lost.....I hope one day, to find enough people who are willing to find an untouched place on earth, what no country wants to reign over, what has no minerals or fossil fuels or so on, just rivers some woods enough food, to start it all over, where life has the greatest meaning of all and above all, everyones life has a purpose and a meaning, a society that doesent tolerate idividual greed, but the wellfare of every single inhabitant, and takes kindly to everyones needs and strives forward. With greed everything burns, only money means a thing, only until you live, your life is most important and will the humankind as whole survive your greed, doesent count at all, until there is money to be made. But when there isnt no money to be made anymore, it all comes down doing something for others so others do something for you and to strive as a communtiy for the future of our children and the survival of our whole race, we have no one there anymore when this continues, we let greedy politicians and mega corporations rule over our every single decision and our lives, we lose it all. The pace of our lives has went gradually up, because they dont want us to have time, they dont want us to think, while they sit leaned back on their chairs in mega billions worth extra luxurious villas, watching every insect of us earning them money, when I think outside of the box for the few hours a day, I see how insane this society has become, where betrayal and backstab is considered normal and welcome, for the sake of individualism, and people who care are left with depts to be paid and working almost 24/7, where you sell out all your personality only to climb the ladder a few sticks. It makes me so sick to the stomach that I try to avoid thinking on it. The fall of indians, was a great tragedy, it was the tragedy of whole humankind, for they had the last sane society on earth, they were improving even without the interference, given time, they would have reached a far higer state then nowadays societies, our progress has stopped, the treshold has been reached, and for the last 10 or 20 years, we have been backpedalling along the evolution. By that time, I dare to say with full selfconfidence, the indians would wield technology above our reach of mind. They didnt have written laws, tough all understood and respected them while our society breaks every law they make, while people whose life has a higher price, slip the court with only a public apology, even when their crimes are a total abomination in the face of humankind and all creation and not only against laws of men, but even against the nature of life. Märt Kolsar, 06.09.2013
Posted on: Fri, 06 Sep 2013 09:39:11 +0000

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