Capricorn Forecast for July This month will be all about love for - TopicsExpress


Capricorn Forecast for July This month will be all about love for those of you who are coupled up, that includes people in serious relationships and marriages, not so much people who have only just started dating. Your relationship will be the center of attention this month and everybody from your great aunt to the next door neighbor will have an opinion on it. What happens next will be a public matter whether you like it or not. Some of your energy this month will also be directed towards matters concerning your health or daily work and towards the end of the month travel will also play a part. It’s a great month to pair up for a professional when it comes to any financial issues especially professionals such as tax accountants and bank managers. If you are applying for a loan, things should go well. Around the 8th you will have the ability to make a fresh start in a current relationship or break up once and for all if that is what you most want. Don’t let the single life scare you as Jupiter is in a lucky love position for you for the next 12 months so when one door closes another one (or three) will open for you. The 10th is a great day to spend catching up with extended family members and it’s also my pick for “date night” for couples this week. The 15th is another great catch up day and it has the added bonus of some really positive aspects concerning your social life so it all looks like a good time for me. Transport should go well too, usually buying a new car ect would go well at this time, but because Mercury is still retro I caution against it until next month. By all means take it for a test drive but save the commitment for another time. There may be some tension brewing with image and public matters and this influence is expected to hand around for a bit. Avoid any public relations moves and stay away from drastic changes to your appearance. Now is not the time to try and alter your image. By the 20th you may notice some conflict between your wants and needs, this is a long standing issue and could cause you ongoing frustration over the next few weeks. Your public image may also take a battering at this time. The 22nd marks a turning point regarding your income and possessions. Depending on your individual chart, you could get a payrise or just as easily get robbed. Take extra care with your possessions to remain on the safe side. Issues on the home front or relating to a flatmate may also make an appearance. By the 30th the spotlight will begin to move away from your relationships and onto your joint finances. This will also be a favorable time for singles to “get lucky”. Travel and learning will also start to play a role in your life, so long distance trips are on the cards. Singles should look towards foreign visitors or people from out of town for their best chance at romance. Thank you for being a part of Astrology with Nic. I hope you have enjoyed your monthly forecast for Capricorn and will come back to read your horoscope next month. In the meantime, please follow us on facebook or twitter to keep up to date with all our astrology news. If you want your monthly forecast delivered direct to your inbox every month, make sure you subscribe and we will send that out to you.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 00:12:19 +0000

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