Captain America: The Winter Soldier was a good movie, worthy of - TopicsExpress


Captain America: The Winter Soldier was a good movie, worthy of the hype and praise given by the multitude of reviews. Just dont go in with too high expectations like I did. Cap 2 has some of the best fight scenes Ive ever seen, better than the Borne/recent 007 style of cinematography. Fight choreography is substantially but realistically more dramatic to show off that Steve Rogers is in fact superhuman. Fast movement is not lost to the audience when its captured perfectly by the camera op. A noted shot (available in the trailers) was of the Winter Soldier fighting Captain America with a knife, and midway through flips the knife lightly in the air to grab it back-handed, immediately following through with a stab at Caps face. The plot of the movie, like all movie plots do, has some holes in it, but whatever. Cap 2 parodies spy and action movie tropes by having occasional scenes of pure, ridiculously impossible stunts, all in too short spans of time to be disbelieved. :SLIGHT SPOILER: [like when Falcon lost his wings and was falling from a building and Black Widows helicopter tilted sideways to catch him with the open door] :SPOILERS OVER: Anyway, this is proof that Marvel listened to their fans. Of all the suits worn by Captain America, the least favourite was the one worn in Avengers. At one point Steve Rogers replaces is navy coloured suit with the fan-favourite Captain America: First Avenger suit, and that truly made me happy. Anyway, Black Widow has a much stronger presence than ever before, so much so that its quite possible for her to have a standalone movie. There are also, as usual, more Easter eggs for comic fans to spot. It is definitely the best Marvel Cinematic Universe movie to date, one with the most depth and complexity. Although the bad guys are still evil because evil is just so evil~
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 04:35:01 +0000

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