Caption: Be A Godly And Good Model Text : Titus - TopicsExpress


Caption: Be A Godly And Good Model Text : Titus 2:6-8 Tit 2:6 Similarly, encourage the young men to be self-controlled. Tit 2:7 In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness Tit 2:8 and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us. Titus has been Crete by Paul to perform a certain task; and according to Paul, he had left Titus there to straighten out what was left unfinished and appoint elders in every town. Paul also pointed out to Titus the qualities each elder should possess. This was done so that not just anyone would be appointed as an elder. It could be that these elders were being appointed to oversee the running of fellowships or churches in the various towns and it was necessary that as elders who had been appointed, they affected the people they were overseeing in their conduct, their speech, integrity, teachings and lifestyle. One of the main challenges these apostles faced in the ministry was opposition from those who did not preach sound doctrine. These people preached what they couldnt practice or they were not practicing what they preached; so Paul called them mere talkers and deceivers; they were seen by others as leaders but none of their actions or lifestyle could serve as a good model for others to follow. They only spoke but they couldnt practice. At a point, Paul said that those people claim to know God, but by their actions they deny Him. Which also means it is not only by our words can we deny God, but also in our actions. In what actions of ours do we deny God? Lets give a deep thought to this question. As Paul pointed out the qualities an elder should possess to Titus, He didnt forget about Titus himself-the one through whom he was passing the instructions. Not forgetting that Titus himself was a leader who was going to oversee the actions of other leaders, Paul gave him also his instructions he was to follow. The first instructions were through Titus but for the other elders; but now, these ones were for Titus himself. They were his personal instructions. Paul gave him what he must teach to the various groups; he gave him instructions for the old men, old women, young men and slaves. But to Titus, he admonished him that in everything, he should set them an example by doing what is good as well as showing integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech. The goal of this instruction was so that those who opposed them could have nothing bad to say about them. Titus was only to instruct and teach the people, but more importantly, he was to set an example in all he did. In other words, by his actions they would prove those who opposed them wrong. One way or the other, we are all leaders. Our first place of leadership is over our own selves or lives. How do we lead our own selves or lives? Being able to lead our own lives is very key to being able to lead others. One without self-control will not be able to lead others successfully since he has no control over his own life. We are also leaders in our schools, churches, work places, and other places we do find ourselves. Leaders are not always necessarily those who are appointed and crowned outwardly for people to see and acknowledge, but also, those who can set good examples for people to emulate and follow through their conducts and lifestyle. A good leader is the one with integrity, who leads from the inside-out. Good leaders are not always those who stand on the platform to give rules, regulations,instructions and commands for others to follow, by the authority they have received; they are not those who give commands through their words, rather, they are those who give commands by their examples and actions. Such leaders always do and take initiative for their followers to emulate and follow without being instructed. Whenever you are looking for a good leader, do not go in for the one who does the mere talking and only give commands for the others to follow, rather, look for the one who serves and takes initiatives and sets the examples for the others to follow. A leader who leads by actions and examples is better than the one who does the mere talking. Such leaders have the capacity and ability to convince their followers without any doubt that a given task is possible and achievable; such leaders pull along their followers from within and on the inside-they do not necessarily have to speak; such leaders mostly have their followers emulating, following and obeying them more through their observations than their speech. Christ Jesus is the best leader we can all emulate; He led through His service and His actions. His actions did more of the communications. We can all be better people if we first of all emulate the life of Jesus and follow His footsteps; by so doing, we will be able to lead our own lives, then be able to lead others by the way we live our lives and the examples we set. Each and everyone of us can resolve to be a good model first of all to ourselves and secondly, to others. Lets not only wait for the platform or the outward crown and pronouncement before we lead. Lets start setting examples and being models from the small corner in which we find ourselves, and we can trust that out of that, the Lord will surely elevate and expand our territories to take over bigger places. In Pauls instruction to Titus, he was to set an example in everything he did; not only in one area, but from all angles. So therefore every area of our lives, we are to set examples; in our walk with God, our speech, conduct, our relationship with others, our finances, work, commitment, devotion and etc. Lets maintain a good balance so we can set good examples in every area and everything we do. Prayer: Lord I thank You for Your word. Your word has come to teach and instruct me to be a model and set an example to other believers and all those around me in everything I do. Help me Lord to do this and be a light wherever I find myself. Help me Jesus. Amen. Seasoned DEVOTIONAL
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 11:27:05 +0000

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