Caption: Be The Doer Text : James 1:22-25 Jam 1:22 Do not - TopicsExpress


Caption: Be The Doer Text : James 1:22-25 Jam 1:22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Jam 1:23 Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror Jam 1:24 and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. Jam 1:25 But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it--he will be blessed in what he does. Of what benefit would it be if a student spent so many months in revising his notes but at the end couldnt apply or write down all what he learned during his final examination? Then comes the big question of how come he spent so much time learning but couldnt prove himself on the day of accountability? Although this student was seen by all as one who was always studying, two conclusions are likely to be drawn to this students situation; it is either he studied but couldnt apply or he pretended as one who was always studying, hence deceiving others. If he was doing it to deceive those around, then it is very obvious that he would bear the shame and consequences him. The failure of this student will surely throw doubts to those around as to whether he really studies. The predicament of this student is something that may not be far from us; it is something we can relate to one way or the other. Its good to spend time with the word of God and study it at all times; its a good thing that we listen to sermons and gospel songs; its good to always be in the gathering of the saints or fellow believers to share fellowship. All these are very important things we need to do as believers, but of what benefit does it be if after all these, we do not allow ourselves to be transformed and let our light show before men. We have mostly been people who love to hear and listen to the word, but what about being people who love to do the word and put it into constant practice. The most evident and clear way by which we prove our new life in Christ is by our deeds. It all lies in our doing. We can only prove what we believe by what we do. A persons actions is a direct representation of what he believes. We can be believers who study the word and pray; but all these are things we are to do most in our secret places because it is mostly between the individual and God; but the only thing we are admonished to do in public is to let our light shine before men through our good works or deeds. In Matthew 6:6, Jesus teaches that when we pray, we should go into our rooms, close the door and pray to our Father who is unseen(implying that it is not supposed to be a public show or demonstration). Also, in Mark 1:35, we are told that very early in the morning, Jesus left the house and went to a solitary place, where He prayed. The only things we mostly heard Jesus doing in public was His good deeds, teachings, healings, miracles, and signs and wonders. These things made it evident to His followers that He is the Son of God. By the deeds of the Apostles(Peter and John), they were recognised as ones who had been with Jesus. It is good to be listening to sermons, but more importantly, we should, by our actions, deeds and good works let people know that we have been with Jesus and are still on His side. Our deeds speak louder and more than our words. Our actions are enough evidence to tell people that we are Christians. Most of the time, we deny Jesus in our actions more than in our words or speech. In what ways have our actions or deeds deny Jesus before men? Lets repent from such ways. Anyone who listens to the word and does not DO what it says is being likened to a man who looks at his face in a mirror and after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets who he looks like. The emphasis is more on the DOING. This man is not able to do because he immediately forgets what he looks like. But that is not what we are meant to be; we are not meant to be men who are forgetful because we have the Holy Spirit to always keep reminding us. The Holy Spirit is the moving and living word of God in us. The scriptures in ink are the written word of God, but The Holy Spirit is the Living and Mobile word of God. He is the Converter of the written word to the Living word. He gives meaning to the written letters and makes them life to our spirits. In 2 Corinthians 3:6, we are made aware that the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. So for us to be always alive in our spirits, doing what the scriptures instruct us to do, there is always the need be in sync with the Spirit, who quickens and gives life to the word in us hence enabling and empowering us to be doers of the word. When we refuse to involve the Spirit in whatever we do, we are simply cutting ourselves away from the life He gives through the word, as well as refusing to be strengthened and empowered to be the doers of the word. The doers of the word are those who are alive to the Spirit; because it is only living things who can carry out actions; dead things are unresponsive, hence are not able to act. The man who looks into the word or listens to the word and continues to do it, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it-such man will be blessed in what he does. The blessing is in the DOING. Such a man is able to do the word because he does not forget; he does not forget not by his own strength, but because he always yields himself to the Spirit, he is always in sync with the Spirit who is also the to remind him. By that, he always receives the life the Spirit gives; and anyone who is alive to the things of The Spirit does not fall to the weak things of this world. Let us seek to be doers of the word; for by so doing, we would be reflecting the light of Christ that is in us. We are not the Light; we are only reflectors who make the Light visible to others. In being doers of the word, we bring glory to God as those in the darkness see and praise Him for the Light we are reflecting, as well as receiving His blessings. In doing the word, we prove to be true children of God as well as proving our love for Him; that is the only way by which outsiders can recognise us as ones who live for God. In ourselves, we are weak in being doers and obeying the Lords instructions but we can trust and depend on the Spirit who enables us and empowers us to live a victorious Christian life. The beauty of this Christian life is in when we are able to put what we listen to and learn into practice. Prayer: Lord, I thank You for Your word. By Your Spirit, I have received strength and life to live as a doer of Your word, to bring glory and praise to Your Holy Name. May I not live and walk in deception. It is You I live for. Help me Jesus. Amen. Seasoned DEVOTIONAL
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 11:46:23 +0000

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