Caption: The Afflictions Serve A Good Purpose Text. : 2 Cor - TopicsExpress


Caption: The Afflictions Serve A Good Purpose Text. : 2 Cor 12:7-10 2Co 12:7 To keep me from becoming conceited because of these surpassingly great revelations, there was given me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. 2Co 12:8 Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. 2Co 12:9 But he said to me, My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christs power may rest on me. 2Co 12:10 That is why, for Christs sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. This might be a similar experience for most of us: At the early stage of my walk with Christ, things seemed to be quite easy, getting prayers answered so quickly, mostly getting anything I asked or prayed for. But as time went on, I got to realise that things were getting different and tougher(experiencing greater challenges than before). This made me sometimes wonder if it was the same Christian walk, if it was as a result of any sin I had committed, if God was far away, etc. But just as at every level of our academic lives we write different and tougher exams to get us promoted to the next level, in the same way in our Christian walk, we experience different, greater and tougher challenges, so as to be able to grow and mature in our faith(as we overcome these challenges by depending on Gods Sovereign Word). The exams we write in the primary school are not the same exams we write at the University level. We should expect greater and tougher ones as we climb higher. Failure to admit this truth is sheer negligence. But we can also attest to the fact that our exams are set according to our levels and what weve been taught. There is an equal and sufficient Grace for every trials, test, challenges that do come our ways. God is not wicked or unjust to carry us with a load we cannot bear. We dont know of Pauls thorn in the flesh because he doesnt mention it to us. But am sure its something that sometimes kept him down or kept him from working. It was a hindrance to His ministry and he prayed for its removal but God refused. This thorn must have been a difficult thing for him. Three times Paul prayed for healing and did not receive it. However, he received things far greater because he received greater Grace from God, a stronger character, humility, and an ability to empathize with others. In addition, it benefited those around him as they saw God at work in his life. God, according to His sovereign plan, sometimes doesnt heal believers of their physical ailments. We dont know why some are spared and others arent. God chooses according to His divine purposes. Our task is to pray, believe and to trust. Paul is a living proof that holy living and courageous faith does not ensure instant physical healing. When we pray for healing, we must trust our bodies to Gods care. Our spiritual condition is always more important than our physical condition. Although God did not remove Pauls affliction, He promised to demonstrate His power in Paul. The fact that Gods power is displayed in our weaknesses should give us courage and hope. As we recognise our limitations, we will depend more on God for our effectiveness rather than our own energy, effort, or talent. Our limitations not only help develop Christian character but also deepen our worship, because in admitting them, we affirm Gods strength. When we are strong in abilities or resources, we are tempted to do Gods work on our own, and that can lead to pride. When we are weak, allowing God to fill us with His power, then we are stronger than we could ever be on our own. God does not intend for us to be weak, passive or ineffective-life provides enough hindrances and setbacks without us creating them. When those obstacles come, we must depend on God. Only His power will make us effective for Him and help us to do work that has lasting value. Those afflictions make us realise how inadequate, weak, dependent and fragile we are before God, and the fact that we are subject to Him and His Word. We are weak and inadequate in ourselves but adequate, strong and powerful in and through His Grace and divine power. When we come to that point of believing that the afflictions are meant for good as well as help us realise Gods Grace, power, authority and Sovereignty, hence making us a better people, then we will be able to praise and give Him thanks in every situation. Prayer: Lord I thank you for helping me realise the purpose of these afflictions in my life and that sufficient Grace which helps me to overcome. Thank You Jesus for Your divine purpose. Amen. SEASONED DEVOTIONAL
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 09:53:42 +0000

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