Carbohydrates WHAT THEY ARE. WHAT THEY DO. EXAMPLES Consist of - TopicsExpress


Carbohydrates WHAT THEY ARE. WHAT THEY DO. EXAMPLES Consist of simple sugars (monosaccharides and disaccharides) and complex molecules (polysaccharides). Disaccharides have two monosaccharides joined together. Complex carbohydrates have many monosaccharides joined together. Major function is to supply energy. Excess carbohydrate in the diet is stored in the body as glycogen or fat. Simple sugars Refined: white bread, sugar, cake Complex carbohydrates Unrefined: grains e.g. oats, wheat, brown rice, wholegrain bread, wholewheat pasta Vegetables such as potatoes Beans, lentils Nuts Everyone needs carbohydrates. Our bodies can’t digest or assimilate other foods without them. They also regulate how protein and fats are used in the body. Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen molecules are arranged like a ring to form a carbohydrate. Glucose, fructose (fruit sugars) and galactose (milk sugars) make up one ring and are called monosaccharides. Sucrose from sugarcane and sugar beets, maltose (from grains) have two rings linked together and are called disaccharides. Fibre is also a carbohydrate but is made up of very large molecules that enzymes can’t break down easily. The human body needs glucose constantly, when glucose levels in the body are too low weakness and tiredness can result. The body turns these simple sugars into a starch called glycogen and stores it in the liver and muscles for short-term use. Insulin is an important part of how body uses sugars. Insulin is the hormone produced by the pancreas that helps keep glucose levels in the blood even. Fibre, although not digestible, does protect the intestinal tract from cancer causing agents and microbes. Some fibres dissolve in water and others don’t. Water-soluble fibre is found in grains such as oats and legumes. Insoluble fibre is found in wheat bran, seeds fruits and vegetables. Soluble fibres can lower cholesterol, insoluble fibres can help the bowel
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 11:33:08 +0000

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