Cardio: Jump Rope Exercise Category: Uncategorized Tags: circuits, - TopicsExpress


Cardio: Jump Rope Exercise Category: Uncategorized Tags: circuits, high knees, jumping, rope Leave a Comment Exercising at home is an attractive option for exercisers, offering convenience as well as a way to save money and time. The real issue is how to create effective home workouts when you don’t have much space or equipment. You do have to be creative if you exercise at home, but there are a wide range of effective, and accessible, cardio exercises you can do to get in shape, burn calories and lose weight. Below are some of my favorite home cardio exercises you can do anytime, anywhere. 1. Jump Rope What: Turning a rope with handles repeatedly while jumping over it and (optional) chanting rhymes Why: It’s great cardio, burning about 220 calories in 20 minutes. Jump ropes are inexpensive, travel well, require no special skills and can be used anywhere you have the space Requirements: A jump rope (Compare prices), a good pair of shoes, patience and practice. Precautions: Jumping rope is high impact and requires practice. It looks easy but beginners may have all the grace of a pigeon-toed elephant and trip often. For the best results, turn the rope with the wrists, not the arms and land softly. Only jump high enough to clear the rope Variations: Jumping on one foot, alternating feet, crossing the feet, jumping with high knees, double turning the rope Best Jump Rope Workouts: Beginner Circuit: Alternating 10-30 seconds of jumping with marching in place for 5-10 circuits. Gradually work up to longer jumping sessions Cardio Circuit: Alternate 30-60 seconds of jumping with other cardio exercises such as marching, jogging, jumping jacks, etc. Strength Circuit: Alternate 30-60 seconds of jumping with strength exercises such as squats, lunges, pushups and dips. Example: Jump Rope Circuit Workout Cardio: Jump Rope Exercise Category: Uncategorized Tags: circuits, high knees, jumping, rope Leave a Comment Exercising at home is an attractive option for exercisers, offering convenience as well as a way to save money and time. The real issue is how to create effective home workouts when you don’t have much space or equipment. You do have to be creative if you exercise at home, but there are a wide range of effective, and accessible, cardio exercises you can do to get in shape, burn calories and lose weight. Below are some of my favorite home cardio exercises you can do anytime, anywhere. 1. Jump Rope What: Turning a rope with handles repeatedly while jumping over it and (optional) chanting rhymes Why: It’s great cardio, burning about 220 calories in 20 minutes. Jump ropes are inexpensive, travel well, require no special skills and can be used anywhere you have the space Requirements: A jump rope (Compare prices), a good pair of shoes, patience and practice. Precautions: Jumping rope is high impact and requires practice. It looks easy but beginners may have all the grace of a pigeon-toed elephant and trip often. For the best results, turn the rope with the wrists, not the arms and land softly. Only jump high enough to clear the rope Variations: Jumping on one foot, alternating feet, crossing the feet, jumping with high knees, double turning the rope Best Jump Rope Workouts: Beginner Circuit: Alternating 10-30 seconds of jumping with marching in place for 5-10 circuits. Gradually work up to longer jumping sessions Cardio Circuit: Alternate 30-60 seconds of jumping with other cardio exercises such as marching, jogging, jumping jacks, etc. Strength Circuit: Alternate 30-60 seconds of jumping with strength exercises such as squats, lunges, pushups and dips. Example: Jump Rope Circuit Workout
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 10:28:41 +0000

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