Care and Home Remedies for Moles and Warts: Moles and Warts are - TopicsExpress


Care and Home Remedies for Moles and Warts: Moles and Warts are both ugly blemishes that appear on the skin without any invitation. Moles occur due to hyper-pigmentation of a particular area of the skin. This portion of the skin becomes dark, and can even become totally dark. The size of moles can differ from one person to another. However, warts appear due to a viral infection. Warts can be painful and are much more ungainly in appearance than moles. Moles are generally flat on the skin but warts are elevated and can even be opened up to resemble a cauliflower. Apple cidar vinegar juice if consumed daily helps get rid of warts and any other skin problems effectively from within. It in a way cleanses the system and reduces chances of their emergence greatly. You have to dilute apple cider vinegar with normal water. Cleanse the top of the mole properly to remove any dust and oil. Dry up the mole before you employ apple cider vinegar. Dip a cotton ball in vinegar and apply it on the moles. You should utilize a band aid type tape to hold the swab against the skin. Leave the cotton swab overnight. Repeat this treatment for one to two weeks. Make a paste mixture by dissolving an aspirin in a drop of water. Hold the solution to the area and cover with plaster or band aid. Do this is two times every day. Place hot water in small bowl and soak the area using cotton balls immersed in white vinegar or apple cider vinegar. Leave them in place for 15 to 20 minutes. Then quickly rinse and pat dry. Using crushed garlic paste is also an effective way remove warts and moles. Attach the crushed garlic to the affected area with a band aid overnight. Dice a red onion and mix with salt has been used to treat warts. Rub on the mixture on the warts and moles at least 3 times per day. Grapefruit seeds extract is also used to treat warts and moles. Just cover over the extract with plaster or a band aid and in 30 days, the warts should disappear. A few drops of castor oil mixed with a pinch of baking soda may help remove warts and moles. Apply the paste-like mixture to your skin and leave it on overnight. Repeat the process for several days. Juice from sour apples or fresh pineapple may eradicate moles and warts over time. Juice should be applied to the skin three times per day or left on overnight. The banana peel is also very effective and most readily available in almost every home. The inside of the banana peel should be in touch with the wart so that its repeated application for over a month makes the warts so dry that it tends to fall off in no time. Roasted pomegranate fruit’s peel mixed with an equal amount of lime juice creates a paste. This paste readily smeared all over those areas where the warts are present gives sure shot positive result. But the paste gives away a strange odor and its application must be stopped immediately if cases of rash and allergy are reported. Intake of garlic, asparagus, citrus fruits, eggs and onions should be considerably increased as these contain sulfur containing amino acids which effectively helps one to get rid of warts. Dried coriander seeds or its fresh leaves work wonders in wart removal process. Made into a poultice it should be rubbed gently against the warts. This method should be applied for as long as the wart does not disappear. Apply 2-3 drops of high grade Australian tea tree oil to the mole each day and the problem should be gone within 2 to 3 weeks. Apply lemon juice directly to the affected area. Leave it on for about 30 minutes before rinsing it off. (You can rub the slice of lemon on the area of mole).
Posted on: Thu, 04 Jul 2013 10:15:21 +0000

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