Caren West and I have been chatting on Facebook. She initially - TopicsExpress


Caren West and I have been chatting on Facebook. She initially called me when I posted the 1 start review (which was quoted in the Curbed piece, by the way) to discuss my concerns. She ended up cutting and pasting the curbed Q&A part into a chat message to me. So, I responded with this: Thanks, Caren. I read the damage control piece on Curbed. Did you know that the permit has not yet been approved by the city? Also, i think Randalls perception of the meeting is very different than the perception of the people who attended. I wasnt there but the people who were said he was not exactly pleasant. Just some advice - it might do worlds of good and show your good will by reaching out to the neighborhood organizations personally to address these questions and you might want to think about a way to donate something to the neighborhoods to show you all are willing to work together. You do PR for a living so you know. Finally, can you please address those fake reviews of the event on Facebook. There are approximately 500 five-star reviews, none of which have details. The accounts are all very shady. It looks very unprofessional. Then she responds with this (!!!!): Seriously, Nicole? There arent fake reviews on Facebook - the truth is there are a lot of people that are really excited about this event. A LOT of people. Once again, we pulled the ticket sales and most are from the neighborhood. At the end of the day, the event is going to happen. It has the opportunity to be a really fantastic event that showcases a community many are unfamiliar with. I welcome that and I am very proud of where I live. AGAIN - I live in Glenwood Park, I walk through Cabbagetown and Reynoldstown daily. I have a lot of friends that live in Cabbagetown and Reynoldstown who will be attending the event. I have also lived and have an office in the O4W for almost 15 years. I am 100% behind this event and the AFFPS is anything but shady. They put on multiple FREE events throughout the year promoting Georgia artists and artisans and they also have a nonprofit. Theyre good people and the work tirelessly to contribute to make Atlanta a better place. What do you daily to make our city a better place? If you think they are exploiting the tunnel for a chance to make millions, you have a lot learn about the event industry. This event has the potential to become an iconic event for our city - showcasing Atlanta and its diversity and uniqueness. You can embrace or keep complaining - its up to you. Seriously, Nicole - of all the BS that is happening the world today, youre upset that theres a party in a tunnel? Youre behavior is insulting to the integrity of my brand and what I believe in. I love this city - very much - and our company does a lot to support it. How much energy are you going to waste on being upset about something that is a good thing for our city? I am more than happy to put you directly in touch with Randall. He responds to anyone that contacts him. Honestly, Nicole - it just sounds like you need something to do or be pissed about. If you want to discuss your concerns with Randall directly - you should. I already passed along his cell and his email -- Randall Fox
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 19:45:26 +0000

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