Carl: Hey Tyler, did you know I have a dragon in my - TopicsExpress


Carl: Hey Tyler, did you know I have a dragon in my garage? Tyler: A dragon? I don’t even know if they exist. Carl: Well, I can assure you I have one. Would you like to see it? Tyler: Well absolutely! …you two go to his house where he lifts the garage door to display an empty garage with a ladder, some paint cans, and shelves… Tyler: Where is the dragon you said would be here? Carl: Oh, I am sorry. I failed to mention he is invisible so we can not see him. I assure you he is in front of us as we speak. Tyler: Perhaps we could throw some powder on the floor to track the prints he makes from walking around. Carl: You know what? He floats…We will not be able to track his prints. Tyler: Ok! Perhaps we could slosh some paint around the garage. Surely it will stick to him revealing his body. Carl: What a great idea…however the dragon is incorporeal or immaterial. This means the paint will literally pass through him. Tyler: OK…Does he breathe fire? Carl: Of course, he is a dragon. Tyler: They why don’t we use a heat gun to register the temperature from the flame? Carl: We can try that but we will be unsuccessful as the fire he breathes is heatless and will not register. Tyler: Carl…It seems like everytime I attempt to gain evidence of your dragon’s existence, you come up with a reason as to why it wouldn’t work. Carl: I understand. That is why I am asking you to simply believe that the dragon is floating right in front of us. To be honest, he is telling me right now that he is not happy with you because you are denying his existence. Tyler: Well I want to believe…if you can communicate with him would you mind telling him to do something like knock the ladder over for me? Carl: …pauses for a moment and closes his eyes…Tyler, the dragon told me that you will know of his existence when the time is right, and in this moment, the time is not right. He wants you to believe his existence out of purity, not because he knocks the ladder over. Tyler: Carl. I am sorry, but I am more prone to believe you being crazy than an invisible, immaterial, heatless-fire-breathing dragon floating in front of us. Carl: I can’t believe you would deny this dragon’s existence. I will gather all my neighbors who believes the dragons existence to tell you he is real. END OF THE TRUE STORY Do you beleive in the dragon Tyler? Just keep in mind before answering that the dragon knows what you are thinking and will punish you within this year if you deny his existence.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 05:26:24 +0000

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