Carl Sagan is my hero. I love scientists, particularly - TopicsExpress


Carl Sagan is my hero. I love scientists, particularly Astronomers. To me they are living gods. They are the people who think beyond every day life and getting by. They are real poets, artists and dreamers . Carl Sagan was one of the most influential person who wanted to reach for Extraterrestrial life and dedicated his life on that subject. For people who know him, they may also know about series Cosmos. It influenced me in a huge way when I was growing up, and thats how I got to learn about him. Please watch the old series if you can get hold of it. There are new series with Neil Tysson which is great too. Carl Sagan was the mastermind behind a spacecrafts called Voyager 1 & 2. Which had a Golden Disc containing everything about Earth, its inhabitants and its existence. It has photos, sounds, music, a sample of everything you could imagine that exists on earth. In an expression, its sort of a kaleidoscope which speaks for us, our home, our planet. This very much sounds like a scifi movie, at first. But incredible when you know its for real. That disc is onboard Voyagers and its a message in a bottle in the ocean of stars wandering looking for other beings. Amazing!
Posted on: Sat, 03 May 2014 19:22:29 +0000

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