Carl West/TBTNewsService Building Generational - TopicsExpress


Carl West/TBTNewsService Building Generational Leaders Challenging the System Contributing Correspondent: C. Dubb The 17th ward has been his home for a while, and like anyones home, the main priority is making sure that your community is progressive and it provides a community atmosphere with loyal homeownership and stakeholders being responsible. David Moore has not just resided in the ward, but hes been an active member of the community. And during the last election cycle Moore ran against the incumbent, and nearly unseated ward alderman Latasha Thomas. He lost of course, but from the numbers, he was pleased at the defeat, knowing he would attempt again to challenge Thomas in 2015. C. Dubb: Have you decided yet to try your chances again at being the Alderman of the 17th Ward? Moore: Yes I have. C. Dubb: What obstacles are you facing this time around that was different from the last aldermanic race? Moore: Other than the remap that destroyed the 17th Ward community, we will continue to work to inform and provide information to the new 17th Ward residents. As any challenger taking on an incumbent, there will be obstacles. I wont be running against the incumbent and her record, Ill be running against those who have a vested interest in keeping her in office to do their bidding. C. Dubb: How many candidates are in the race thus far? Moore: No one has officially announced, but I believe the current alderman, one other person and me. So, three that I know have serious intentions at this time. C. Dubb: How do you like your chances and what was your results from the last election? Moore: The communitys chances of electing someone who is not controlled by anyone and who works for the community are very good. In the last election, out of an estimated 30,000 registered voters; only 6,063 people came out to vote. I received 2,871 votes while raising only $12,000. and the incumbent received 3,192 votes after receiving over $150,000--including support from both Rahm Emanuel and former Mayor Daley. It was a 321 vote difference. C. Dubb: What do you see as the three most important issues plaguing the 17th Ward? Moore: Having an Alderman who votes 100% with the Mayor and not having anything to show for it in our community. Also high unemployment in our community--especially, the loss of downtown jobs. And lack of resources and the destruction to our public school system. C. Dubb: And how do you expect to fix those thing, when the current Alderman either couldnt or didnt? Moore: As alderman I will have to work with the elected Mayor, but I do not and will not be a puppet for the Mayor. Secondly, focus on small business development within the community and stop begging people to come into our community to get our dollars. When we put together an incubator for creating new businesses and growing existing businesses, then others will be begging us to come into our community. Finally, push legislation to put a moratorium on all school actions and push for an independent elected school board. C. Dubb: Whats your vision for the ward and the city if you become the 17th Ward next Alderman? Moore: My vision is that residents in the ward will have resources along with timely and consistent information that will allow them to have a quality of life that is productive. My vision is to work with neighboring aldermen to develop and implement a master plan for our entire community. Elected officials must put their egos aside and do what is best for their communities. There is no urban agenda that addresses the issues in our respective communities, which keeps us from progressing.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 17:07:46 +0000

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