Carlos Carvalho January 10 at 3:39 pm Vakondo - Accommodation - TopicsExpress


Carlos Carvalho January 10 at 3:39 pm Vakondo - Accommodation Tourist Limited Bilene San Maritino GAZA Province - MOZAMBIQUE PEPE VINEYARDS - Louis Philippe DAYS VINEYARDS I certify, for publication, which by deed of 12 December of two thousand and six, drawn from sixteen to seventeen sheets of the book leaves notes for various scriptures number six hundred forty-seven trace D Third Notary of Maputo, before Carolina Victory Manganhela, notary of the said Registry, was set up by Luis Filipe Dias Vineyards, Barbara Mary Mitchell and Carlos Alberto Dias Vineyards one company limited by shares, which is governed by clauses in the following articles: ARTICLE ONE Title, duration and registered office A) The Vakondo - Tourist Accommodation, Limited is a company limited by shares governed by these statutes and has its headquarters in Praia do Bilene, district of Macia, in Gaza province. Two ) By resolution of the general meeting, the company may change its headquarters or establish, maintain and close branches or any other form of social representation, where and when it deems it appropriate for the society in national or foreign territory. Three) The duration of society is indefinite, counting its beginning from the date of signature of this deed. ARTICLE TWO Social object A) The main object of the company is the promotion, development and operation of hospitality business and tourism, construction and operation of hotels and similar complexes, promoting sightseeing tours, including, where appropriate, the import. Two) The company may still hold investments in other companies and perform other related activities, complementary or subsidiary to the main activity, if properly authorized and the members so resolve. ARTICLE THREE Capital A) The capital, subscribed and fully paid in cash, is twenty-four thousand two hundred and fifty new family metical and corresponds to the sum of three quotas distributed as follows: a share of eight thousand two hundred and fifty metical of the new family, belonging to Luis Filipe Dias Vineyards; an eight thousand Meticais of the new family, belonging to Barbara Mary Mitchell; and another eight thousand Meticais of the new family, belonging to Carlos Alberto Dias Vineyards. Two) The share capital may be increased or reduced one or more times, by decision of the members, approved at the general meeting. Three) Established any increases or reductions capital, will be the same prorated by the partners in proportion to their quotas. Four) Shareholders may make the company supplies that it lacks, the terms and conditions set out in the general meeting. ARTICLE FOUR General Meeting A) The general assembly shall meet once a year for consideration, approval or modification of the annual accounts and balance to decide on any other matters for which it has been convened and extraordinarily whenever necessary. Two ) The general meeting shall be called by letter with acknowledgment of receipt, with at least fifteen days, which may be reduced to five, in case of extraordinary general meeting. Three) It is considered as regularly called the partner who attend the meeting or which signs the acknowledgment of receipt. Four) is dispensed with the general meeting and waived the formality of your call when all members agree in writing, which thereby act, even if the decisions are taken away from headquarters social, at any time and whatever your subject. Two) Except in relation to the preceding paragraph the resolutions that involve modification of the social contract, dissolution of the company, division and assignment of quotas for which can not do without -if such general meetings. ARTICLE SIX Management and representation A) The management and administration of the company and its representation in and out of court, actively and passively, belong to all members with security waiver by simply signing two of them to validly bind the company in all actions and contracts. Two) Not at all the managing partners may bind the company in acts and contracts her strange, particularly in fa- vor of letters, guarantees and accreditations. Three) Managers may delegate its powers of management, in whole or part in any other partner, but for strangers to society require the prior consent of the company and the general meeting. ARTICLE SEVEN Fiscal year A) annually until the last day of the first quarter of the year following the economic and financial, will close a balance of accounts with the date of December 31 of the previous year. Two) The economic and financial year of the fiscal year of the company coincides with the calendar year. ARTICLE EIGHT Profit The net profits of each balance sheet, net, twenty percent to the legal reserve and made any other deductions that the general meeting resolve, will be prorated by the partners in proportion to their quotas. ARTICLE NINE Death and disability by death, incapacity or disqualification of any member, the heirs or representatives of the deceased in common exercise their rights, while the share remain undivided, should appoint of them who all represent in society. ARTICLE TEN Dissolution A) The company dissolves only in cases prescribed by law and by the unanimous resolution of the shareholders. Two) Dissolving to society by agreement of the partners, they will all be liquidators and must carry out its liquidation as deliberate in general meeting. ARTICLE ELEVEN Applicable law In all that are not covered in these Statutes, regulate the provisions of the Commercial Code approved by Law 10/2005 and other applicable legislation. It complies. Maputo, 4 January two thousand seven. - The Helper, Luisa Praised Nuvunga Chicombe. Like · Share 2 people like this. Carlos Carvalho Kevin Wilson - Diane Glenda DeWet - Tsamadhi Lda January 10 at 4:16 pm · Like ·1 Joao Felizardo I see with interest the names of places How They have changed over the years; my days it was Bilene (as for lagoon Bilene) or are martinho Bilene ...; thanks for sharing anyway! Yesterday at 8:42 am · Like
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 08:56:22 +0000

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