Carlos Carvalho Yesterday at 4:55am Southern Sun Maputo - TopicsExpress


Carlos Carvalho Yesterday at 4:55am Southern Sun Maputo beach 25 December 2014 I am totally and utterly SHOCKED at all the rubbish on the Private Beach in front of this Prestigious International Hotel. What the HELL is going on? You invested a huge amount of money in a Beach Sand Cleaning Machine - why is it not being put to good use? Especially on this special day - Christmas Day? I am very disappointed that not the minimum - first thing in the morning - can be done to clean this beach for your Clients to enjoy. Valerie Trigo de Morais Carlien Oberholzer Carlos Carvalhos photo. Carlos Carvalhos photo. Carlos Carvalhos photo. Like · Share 30 people like this. Carlos Carvalho Paulo Soska Oliveira Yesterday at 4:56am · Like Carlos Carvalho Lester Mouton - Jonathan Lunenburg - Manie Snyman - Nuno Rosario - Patricia Álvares da Guerra - Carlos Serra - Antonio Carlos Pinto Ferreira - Miguel Tiago - Miguel Peral - Pepe Vinhas - Diane Glenda DeWet - Ana Puga - Anabela Rosa Velho - Phil Baker Yesterday at 5:09am · Like Carlos Carvalho MaryAnn Payne - Brian Marran Yesterday at 5:11am · Like Carlos Carvalho Kevin Pitzer - Kevin Wilson Yesterday at 5:13am · Like Brian Marran not a pleasant sight to wake up to Yesterday at 5:14am · Like · 2 Tsamadhi Lda In all fairness doesnt that look like it was just washed up with the tide and not like its been there for a long time ? Yesterday at 5:15am · Like · 6 Paulo Soska Oliveira I rather agree with Tsamadhi. On top of that, it Is The Municipality task to clean The beaches anyway. Dont know if The machine makes a lot of noise, so they might be delaying the task not to wake-up guests? Yesterday at 5:22am · Edited · Like · 7 Greg Hight The beach looks spotless above the tide line. Yesterday at 5:29am · Like · 3 Carlos Carvalho Tsamadhi Lda - Paulo Soska Oliveira - Greg Hight Are you guys SERIOUS??!! Yesterday at 5:39am · Like · 1 Carlos Carvalho Do you know how many empty Southern Sun complimentary Bathroom Items are there on this Beach this morning? Where do these empty discarded items come from? Are they being dumped in the sea? Tsamadhi Lda - Paulo Soska Oliveira - Greg Hight = Are you serious in your comments? Yesterday at 5:44am · Like · 3 Paulo Soska Oliveira The amenities on the beach is definitely worrying - i doubt they would be dumped in the sea, but it beats me how they got there (I would find it very difficult for several guests to be taking them to the beach and throwing it to the water). Yesterday at 5:47am · Like · 3 Carlos Carvalho Paulo Soska Oliveira - should I return to this Southern Sun Maputo Hotel beach and photograph +- 50 of these items and post them to make people see there is a PROBLEM - Tsamadhi Lda - Greg Hight = I have no problem to do that - believe me. Yesterday at 5:49am · Like · 1 Carlos Carvalho George Venter Yesterday at 5:50am · Like · 1 Greg Hight Im just commenting on what I see. The litter on Moz beaches is a national disgrace. Yesterday at 6:06am · Like · 3 Phil Baker I have dropped a note to the management team there and will let you know what they find out and actions Yesterday at 6:12am · Like · 2 Frans Coetzee And a PEACEFUL Christmas to you all. Yesterday at 6:24am · Like · 3 Michelle Smith I think its mostly at the high tide mark too. Tsamadhi Lda. As for cleaning it so early. Its Christmas Day, have some Christmas spirit. Let people enjoy time with their families not be cleaning the beach at 5am. Yesterday at 7:18am · Like · 4 Carlos Carvalho Unbelievable Michelle Smith! As you rightfully say You Think - you were not on the beach this morning - You Think Yesterday at 7:23am · Like · 1 Graham Johnson Everybodys recovering from Christmas eve!!!!! Yesterday at 7:34am · Like · 1 Tsamadhi Lda Carlos :dont be angry We have no doubt In what you saw. And you are Absolutely right to question the bottles on the beach which clearly shouldnt be there. But lets give them a chance. At least they are trying ? And hopefully with a little pointer they will now improve further? I dont think they would their bottles damaging the idea either . What is to me , a serious and concerning place is game. Before I left I went there and garbage had started to collect once more ... Means they had no plans to maintain a routine to keep it clean. 23 hrs · Like · 1 Eduardo Alexandre Roldao It costs 50 mt a day for a youngster to collect the rubbish. 4 kids: 200mt a day and the beach is clean. I do it all the time at Mahangate. 23 hrs · Like · 5 Ana Puga I understand. It´s usually all hands on deck at the hotel at this time and staff conveniently forget their daily routine... In Cabo Delgado it has to be told everyday as if it was the first day... 22 hrs · Like · 1 Carlos Carvalho Tsamadhi Lda Just let us be clear here - this is not the first time the rubbish on this beach is highlighted. Two months ago I and a bunch of prominent Maputo residents witnessed first hand how rubbish got racked into neat piles and buried in front of our eyes on this very same beach - right next to the Refuse Bins you can see on these my pictures taken this morning. Come on now - as Eduardo Alexandre Roldao says - it takes a small salary investment to keep this beach spotless. An investment of $10 000-00 was done in the purchase and importation of a Beach Sand Cleaning Self Powered machine from Australia - why is it not used effectively? No - I will not let up on this. 22 hrs · Like · 3 Mike Smith 22 hrs · Like Mike Smith Morning Carlos Carvalho, it is so sad that firstly people cannot pick up after themselves. Secondly the people employed to clean up were more than likely there causing the mess. Thirdly the machines purchased are broken and nobody thought of fixing them before the time. 22 hrs · Like · 2 Carlos Carvalho Joao Cardoso ?? 21 hrs · Like · 1 Mike Smith I have solution buy a few 100mts of shade cloth stretch it out & place upright stacks into the beach then tie weights to the lower portion of the net so then when the tide comes in then the trash will be collected at the net base when the net is collected in the morning then all the trash is together. Brain wave on Christmas day what will 2015 bring! Makes you want to think out the box. 21 hrs · Like · 1 Joao Cardoso This is not the Southern Suns responsibility. Carlien Oberholzer. This rubbish has been washed out by the water. This is a far more serious problem which is the lack of education of a big percentage of the Maputo residents. You see this not only in the beach. You see it in Julius Nyerere Av., you see luxury car owners (of all the spectrum of the rainbow) throwing rubbish out of their car windows. This is very serious. A major education program must be honesty put in place to get results in the medium long term and next generation... Our generation is a rubbish generation. We only complain and do nothing !!! Lets be honest. It is not complaining on facebook or participating in eventual cleaning campaigns that this problem will be resolved. What are the big companies like Cervejas de Mocambique, Coca Coca, Pepsi, Mcel, Vodacom and many other doing seriously and honestly to educate the people. NOTHING !!! What are we doing NOTHING but complaining ! We meed action ... to educate. 21 hrs · Edited · Like · 4 Mike Smith Michelle I think of the bigger picture I am paying X amongst per day on holiday to enjoy Presteigne beaches. I did not contribute to the filth why should I accept it. 21 hrs · Edited · Like Carlien Oberholzer Good Morning Carlos Carvalho. We at Southern Sun try our utmost best to keep the beach as clean as we possibly can. However unfortunately as you state above private beach is a load of nonsense, there is no such thing as a private beach in Mozambique. Anyone can access that beach and do whatever they want on it. Every single time the tide comes in the beach looks like the photos you have posted. It comes from the surrounding areas as well as from the fabulous cruise ships. We send our machine out twice a day to clean up. For us to make sure this never happens well have to have a team on that beach 24 hours a day and possibly a dive team in the water which is unreasonable. Your concerns the last time you were there was addressed immediately. We had a full training session with the beach guys to ensure nothing gets buried. Its a work in progress but unfortunately unless the people of the entire country starts not throwing trash out of car windows and boats, were a long way off from solving this problem. Oh and Merry Christmas to you too. 21 hrs · Like · 9 Carlos Carvalho Thank you for your comment here Carlien Oberholzer - I would like to ask you about all the used Southern Sun complimentary Toiletry containers on the Beach - where would they come from? 21 hrs · Edited · Like · 2 Carlos Carvalho Did I make a mistake and not photograph every single one of them with the backdrop of the Hotel? Carlien Oberholzer 21 hrs · Like Carlos Carvalho I am amazed at being Patronised here for caring - for High Lighting a obvious problem Southern Sun Maputo management are having addressing this on going beach refuse problem Carlien Oberholzer 21 hrs · Like · 1 Carlien Oberholzer I will certainly investigate that Carlos. Our rubbish areas is a sealed area on the other side of the hotel so it wouldnt make any sense that any of these containers are on the beach. I will keep you in the loop once I get an answer. Regarding your comment above, yes your photos is all with the hotel in the background, but you can walk that entire stretch all the way to the costa do sol area and it will pretty much look the same. 21 hrs · Like · 2 Carlien Oberholzer Carlos, the entire Mozambique is having a refuse problem. Not only Southern Sun Maputo. At least we are doing what we can to educate and combat it. 21 hrs · Like · 7 Carlos Carvalho Carlien Oberholzer - if you follow this our MOZ INFO - you would have noticed that I and several members high light wrong doings all over Mozambique. MOZ INFO was very grateful that the management of Southern Sun Maputo chose MOZ INFO for your amazing Free Weekend Give away competition. You know that better than anyone else. I experienced this situation MYSELF this morning - this is not second or third hand. The Beach Machine can be applied early morning - I have seen it work - it is near silent - it is just a matter of management having the will - nothing more - nothing less. 21 hrs · Like · 1 Carlien Oberholzer Carlos, I have personally been on that beach where we applied the beach machine and less than an hour later it looks the same with what washes up from the sea. We will do our best to try and give anyone on that beach a great experience, so we will implement a system where we use the machine more than the twice a day which is the schedule we currently run. Please dont attack our management and presume to know who or what kind of people they are and what they will or dont. Even with the pictures above I can guarantee you weve already seen a massive improvement on that beach and through educating our security team you no longer get that urine stench that you used to get over midday from all the shenanigans that used to happen on that beach. Lets turn this around and organize a beach clean up team to not only address the issues with refuse on beach in front of the hotel but every beach in Maputo, or every street for that matter. 21 hrs · Like · 3 Drew Murray Carlos Carvalho Dude, seriously? Give it a rest. As Southern Sun Hotel correctly point out this is not an issue exclusively related to them - the whole of the Maputo beach front has a MASSIVE refuse problem. The fact that there are Southern Sun bathroom containers amongst the refuse is, as you correctly point out, concerning but I hardly think that the hotel management or their satff are actively dumping these on the beach. In my humble opinion perhaps a kindly worded private message or email to the hotel would have been more constructive than publicly attacking them using the MOZ INFO platform? 20 hrs · Like · 9 Pepe Vinhas correct Drew,...the entire coast is Like that,..just bigger and more daring,...the most frequent is the empty plastic water can travel on the beach from Zonguene to the Bilene mouth and not see a soul but u see Lots and Lots of rubbish,...and its certainly not the indigenous people Living behind the dunes! 20 hrs · Like · 6 Pepe Vinhas Carlos, i think you victimizing Southern Sun,....have u gone to the beach infront of Bairro do Triomfo on the Marginal after a weekend or a public holiday?! its not fair, when that rubbish gets spewed into the stormwater drains into the bay of Maputo and washes in front of the hotel...Catembe,...Inhaca,...Macaneta,...up and way.... 19 hrs · Like Pepe Vinhas Carlien Oberholzer, i wouldnt Like to be in the shoes of the hotel management,...that is one those problems that just wont go way my dear, can trow the rubbish away but it wont go away! 19 hrs · Like Kevin Pitzer Pepe Vinhas this pic demonstrates an example of where a portion of the litter originates.This is the storm water drainage on Av Joaquim Chissano(Via Rapida) a few months ago.The will has to start with the people where a huge educational needs be put in place. Kevin Pitzers photo. 19 hrs · Like · 6 Carlos Carvalho Pepe Vinhas Why do you first of all always view Me via a negative perspective? Have you met Me in person? Do you know anything about Me as a fact other that the Rubbish and Bullshit you read on Fake Facebook profiles you have lent yourself to? Have you no consideration to My standing as a MOZAMBICAN? Kevin Pitzer - Serra Moz - Lester Mouton 19 hrs · Edited · Like · 1 Carlos Serra Very sad....! 19 hrs · Like · 1 Carlos Carvalho Pepe Vinhas I have made several calls to you in the past - if you are not about to have breakfast - you are about to do something else? No problem with that - but on two occasions I needed to speak to you urgently to ask you if you could assist people in dire need in Bilene. Do not judge me from your limited knowledge about Me, My proud MOZAMBIQUE Heritage - I have never and will never do that to you as I do not know you. Respect please - that shows Backbone and Upbringing. Lester Mouton - Kevin Pitzer - Serra Moz - Lindi Kraai 19 hrs · Edited · Like Pepe Vinhas many years ago, think around 1995, i was staying at the Coasta do Sol Restaurant,when the beaches werent that dirty...and there used to be a Large steel skip from a rubbish truck for people to trow rubbish in,... this was before cellphones, and before Mcel sponsored the cleaning up of the beaches along the Marginal,...anyway, my friend and i paid kids to pick up the Litter and trow it into this Large skip one afternoon,...the area was spotless,...the next day the rubbish was purposely all trown out by the same kids we assume,, plus even more that was inside, it Looked even this was done so that the chore could be repeated and they could get paid again,...i will never forget that day! that, i am afraid, is the reality! 19 hrs · Edited · Like · 2 Carlos Carvalho Carlos Serra Pepe Vinhas Would this My post have made any bigger impact if I did photograph every Southern Sun Maputo Hotel complimentary Toiletry I found on this Beach? Should I do that next time in painful detail? What would your opinion be then? No problem - I will do just that. 19 hrs · Like Pepe Vinhas Carlos, i take it as it is,...the rubbish is not the problem of Southern Sun,...its everyones problem! i have that too here! and noise aswel,...noise polution from the Locals with their Loud music, 4h30 in the morning! if theres something i dont agree with you or others i have to speak my mind! have u thought perhaps the hotel staff pinch the Left over Lotions then tosse it!? u have to be realistic....and i cant speak to you because i have guests,..and the celluar reception where i am is no good, i am 6kms from the village, a dip,...the Vodacom reception is good but i use that for my internet conection on the Laptop!....when i am in Maputo,...i will come see you, the moment i am flooded with work! 19 hrs · Like Carlos Carvalho As I advise you here Pepe Vinhas Remove the ANTI Carlos Carvalho blinkers. Open all your senses as a person and stop being influenced by the likes of Pierre le Roux - Errol Bowles - Brenda as Pemba Dive and all their Fake Pathetic Facebook groups and Profiles. I will not be influenced in not reporting wrong doing - never ever. 19 hrs · Like Carlos Carvalho Pepe Vinhas It is simple - at least 50 items on this beach this morning relates to refuse of Southern Sun Maputo Hotel. Sorry - what do you NOT understand regarding this? 19 hrs · Like · 1 Pepe Vinhas ...i know that when theres a storm all the shit floweth into the drains,...and pipes,...see the above comment of Kevin Pitzer...theres plenty other comments i agree with u,..but then u dont notice it!...on this one i dont agree with you! but u wont ban me right!? 19 hrs · Like Mark Fouche Yes, the recent rains have, no doubt, washed a lot of trash into the sea, only to have it return on the Easterly winds and the recent spring high tides, but the trash should not be placed where it can be washed away anyway!! The only way of fixing this is for everyone to get involved. The solution is not easy, and it takes a bit of work, but it is attainable, and could be done in a couple of days... 19 hrs · Edited · Like · 4 Pepe Vinhas and i do assist people in the past 7 years i have taken about 20 Local woman to the clinic to have their babies!...and this happens at ungodly hours! i went and gave Diane Glenda DeWet some design inspiration she required and asked,...and i have cleaned the beaches and river stream in front of my village 3x a year...i have paid for a transformer(360 000mt ) for the village instead of hoarding all to myself Like other Lodges do!?...i have assited Tsamadhi Lda with tress... whatelse?! must i go on!? any help u have required you have not Let me know about it,...except maybe hinting to agree with you, which i am afraid does not happen! 19 hrs · Like · 1 Andre Thiart Pepe Vinhas keep up the good work! 17 hrs · Like · 5 Valerie Trigo de Morais Think TWICE before attacking Southern Sun..... 16 hrs · Like · 2 Carlos Carvalho Hi Valerie Trigo de Morais - did you write this to me? 16 hrs · Like Carlos Carvalho Valerie Trigo de Morais - attack Southern Sun Maputo - excuse me - did you take the careful time and read all here as well as the comments? I ask again - was this your comment intended for me? 16 hrs · Like Lindi Kraai Ok guys Carlos Carvalho and Pepe Vinhas its Christmas, both of you are doing a fantastic job, my suggestion is why dont you both meet have an ice cold 2m ( on me and Ill join you ) and brain storm on how this environmental catastrophe can be tackled, Im very sure that both of you can and will be able to come up with a brilliant solution . Then involve all other major parties who are having the same garbage problem. Tsamadhi Lda, Lester Mouton, Diane Glenda DeWet,,Mark Fouche, Kevin Pitzer, Serra Moz,Carlien Oberholzer. 15 hrs · Like · 3 Carlos Carvalho Valerie Trigo de Morais - as you seem to have nominated yourself as a type of Spoke Person for Southern Sun Maputo Hotel - can I ask you the following : Why were there more that 50 individual Southern Sun Maputo Hotel empty used complimentary containers on the Beach? Is it not worth INVESTIGATING if there is not a break in the chain of disposal of the Refuse from the rooms and this refuse ends up in the Ocean due to Workers not following the guidelines of the Hotel? It all depends on Humans - not so? But you now resort to suggest that I am ATTACKING the Southern Sun Maputo Hotel. Was it not You that witnessed the burying of Racked Up refuse in front of our eyes? That witnessed by your closest Friends that day? Did you not agree me talking to the Duty Manager at that very moment? When Nene arrived you told him about the burial of the refuse right next to the refuse bin on the beach. Now you can not understand that this post is about getting a obvious problem sorted? Really Valerie Trigo de Morais - I am disappointed - you - a long time Family friend - could not understand what I was getting at and rather threaten me. Really. 15 hrs · Edited · Like · 1 Carlos Carvalho Do photos LIE? Is Good intentions Appreciated? It is obvious NOT - in this case ATTACK is the best Defence for some people - especially and VERY disappointingly Friendships that goes back to my Birth. Very disappointing indeed. 15 hrs · Like Jonathan Lunenburg Hi all - Its Xmas - Do they not stock Chillpills in Maputo. 15 hrs · Like · 5 Carlos Carvalho What is Correct is Correct Jonathan Lunenburg - One should not sit in the middle and throw Small Stone - take a stand and Sort it. This post is clear - this post was made after I had a meeting with the Southern Sun Maputo Duty Manager this morning and in person showed Him what I photographed. He was in 100% agreement. I find it strange and immensely DISAPPOINTING that Valerie Trigo de Morais resorted to threaten ME. A very close Family friend and a lady that worked with my Late Dad. 14 hrs · Edited · Like Alet Badenhorst I looked closely at the beach photo and i notice that the garbage line has a curved pattern. the refuse seems to have been pushed out by the sea or maybe it was strewn around and then pushed up onto the beach? 14 hrs · Like Alet Badenhorst The pattern looks like a water line? i like the smell of the sea plants and sea life is very beautiful. 14 hrs · Like Kevin Pitzer Guys its Xmas where in Carlos defence he had a point.I just returned from a fantastic lunch and even saw other members of MOZ INFO at Southern Sun...I think the hotel are perplexed and will investigate and deliver on the findings Carlos Carvalho made as they are contributing where they can and accept as they certainly dont want their containers contributing to issues they are trying to resolve in offering a clean beach.That machine they have was working hard today where they deserve a heads up.Simple Carlos told the truth and Southern Sun are concerned and will find a remedy and investigate....Please lets all move forward and enjoy the few hours we have left of Xmas as Boxing day is a working day in Moz.Other than that thanks Southern Sun for a great day ! 14 hrs · Edited · Like · 6 Carlos Carvalho Thank you for your support Kevin Pitzer - Highly appreciate it - I just found it strange that the Wife of a Director of the Southern Sun Maputo Hotel had to threaten me - truly amazing. 14 hrs · Like · 2 Kevin Pitzer Carlos Carvalho it was hot today and tempers get hotter where people misread. They are a great hotel with deicated people where this will blow over...Lets all forget about indifference and welcome strength in 2015..I must say the effort I saw from Southernn Sun today surpassed many expectations I have had of our country as a service provider since 1990 and commend their staff and management.Never forget it was a hot day where when all has cooled I do believe many will.Enjoy the rest of it. 14 hrs · Like · 8 Kevin Pitzer Great guys lets all make a plan for a January meet up for 2 M at this great establishment.We can have a great indaba under the big tree. 14 hrs · Like · 4 Carlos Carvalho Thank you once again Kevin Pitzer - Level Headed Logic prevails from your valued and respected perspective - Obrigado Amigo. 14 hrs · Like · 2 Carlos Carvalho Kevin Pitzer - has the parts for Double Trouble arrived in Maputo? 14 hrs · Like · 1 Kevin Pitzer Yes and waiting for Conrad to do a final fit and lagging of the exhaust. 14 hrs · Like · 2 Anne Dreaver Ha, Im catching up to to you all! Merry Christmas, Carlos, and to all! Live for the good fight for a clean world even tho we can sink into complacency as the problem is overwhelming and is also outside of our boundaries. However, there comes a time when it affects us directly, that something must be done in our own communities. It is worth every breath we take to act on stewardship. There is no justification to do otherwise, We all have a responsibility to put down defensive attitudes, claim some responsibility and come up with creative solutions! In my view, corporations such as Southern Sun, and others, from the smallest lodge to the largest, have a special responsibility to show environmental stewardship by their examples, and if this means, working with locals to help clean up on a CONTINUING basis that would give youth, for example, some income, that would be incredible! After all, such business livelihood and profit margins are derived directly from our commonly held free assets -- sun, water, earth and non human life that sustains us-- which people take for granted. To suggest that Christmas Day is an excuse for a break or to let down guard as suggested in some comments is unacceptable! Everyone must now agree that the accumulation of beach trash is utterly predictable, especially in days such as today! Corporations, especially in the service industry should prioritize their standards, and in anticipation, should have cleaned the beach! Zero Tolerance should be the only standard! It is a smack in the face of Southern Sun Maputo Hotel to have 50 Southern Sun used complimentary containers all over the beach; after all, this type of free advertising is hardly their preferred choice! Lindi Kraai, your comment is right: It is time for constructive dialogue and community strategies. Would be wonderful to see people with less opportunity be part of any positive strategy. That to me is empowerment and community engagement, and whether we like it or not, we now all must be part of the solution....wherever we are! 13 hrs · Like · 2 Anne Dreaver Look at the bright side and in anticipation to do something better. In 6 days, Dec 31, if something is not done, likely the very same situation may be repeated, certainly not good to ring in the New Year. My respect to you, Carlos Carvalho, Lindi Kraai, and to all peoples with good minds and a higher purpose, to show the world that Mozambique can be a leader in environmental stewardship! 13 hrs · Edited · Like · 2 Paul Murphy Southern Sun arguing its not possible to keep a small stretch of beach clean in front of one of their hotels because its not really their problem. If I was the manager I would be out there picking the stuff up myself until such a time I could organise somebody else to do the job. I mean this isnt the pool pump not working it is a job anyone can do, ones own reputation doesnt seem to matter anymore. 12 hrs · Like · 3 Carlos Carvalho Thank you Paul Murphy - exactly. If I could be thought how to work this Beach Cleaning Machine - I will offer my early morning services to do just that. It is amazing that the Wife of a Representative Director of the Southern Sun Maputo Hotel had to resort Threatening me = totally amazing and disappointing. 12 hrs · Like · 1 Charles Patrick Kirsten shared The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trusts photo. 12 hrs Emilys had a baby! The most magical present this Christmas - the arrival of Emma, orphan elephant Emilys second wild born calf, born on 23rd December. Now living wild in Tsavo, Emily chose to return to our Voi reintegration centre to give birth amongst her human-elephant family. It was an amazing and priviledged experience for all present, as Emily, who is alive today only thanks to your support and the incredible efforts of our team in Kenya, brought this new life into the world. Mum and baby are doing well and we look forward to sharing more news with you about the birth, which was even captured on film! The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust Emilys had a baby! The most magical present this Christmas - the arrival of Emma, orphan elephant Emilys second wild born calf, born on 23rd December. Now liv... See More Like · Share 2 people like this. Carlos Carvalho Yesterday at 4:38am · Edited Southern Sun Maputo Hotel 25 December 2014 4.38am Our very own Style Paradise Coconut Christmas Trees Southern Sun Maputo Hotel 25 December 2015 4.38am Our very own Style Paradise Coconut Christmas Trees Like · Share 53 people like this. View 6 more comments Carlos Carvalho Valerie Trigo de Morais - did you see this post regarding Southern Sun Maputo Hotel? Any comment on this picture and text please? 15 hrs · Like Anne Dreaver Merry Christmas to you Carlos Carvalho and to all MOZ members! 14 hrs · Like · 1 Andrew Cappy Simmons battery powered??? would never work in SA! 13 hrs · Like · 1 Carlos Carvalho December 24 at 7:22am VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE Wednesday 24 December 2014 7.10am I just received a call from a South African lady that found a dark Leather Man Bag on the ground at the exact pinned point on these maps posted.... See More Carlos Carvalhos photo. Carlos Carvalhos photo. Carlos Carvalhos photo. Carlos Carvalhos photo. Like · Share 97 people like this. 13 shares 3 of 71 View previous comments Dirk Strydom Carlos plse tell the lady I say thank you.God will bless her 13 hrs · Like · 1 Carlos Carvalho Dirk Strydom - HI - Is that the Lady that found the BAG? 13 hrs · Like Dirk Strydom sorry missed you somewhere 13 hrs · Like Older Posts
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 05:48:36 +0000

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