Carmen said she was going to the study, a slightly knowing smile - TopicsExpress


Carmen said she was going to the study, a slightly knowing smile on her face. I was just going to sit down and read some. Eleazar is preparing his new lesson plan for his psychology class. Carmen said. Eleazar taught psychology, at least for now, at the Fairbanks campus of the University of Alaska. It was about two hours from their place at the edge of the National Park, but with the way Eleazar drove, he made it in about a half an hour. He had been on leave while they were at the Cullens. Carmen was spending her time right now doing lots of reading. She was having difficulty deciding what she wanted to do at this time, if she wanted to go to school, or teach, or maybe do something else. If youd like to watch TV, or read, the TV is in the den, and theres a library down that hall there, Carmen said, pointing toward the hallway where the antiques were kept as well. Thank you Carmen, you all have been very gracious allowing me to come into your home like this, Garrett replied. He started toward the den, where the 47 inch flat panel TV was hung on the wall above the fireplace. Garrett? Carmens voice came from behind him and pulled him up short. He turned slowly to face her. Yes Carmen? I just wanted to say... well I wanted to say I think its great that you are here. Eleazar and I havent been with Kate and Tanya very long, in comparison to how long they have been together, but I love them both as if they were my sisters. I think its great that you are here for Kate. She needs someone. Tanya does too. Anyway, I wanted to say thank you. For taking an interest in Kate, and being there for her during this time, Carmen was rambling but Garrett caught the gist of it. He smiled his boyish smile. Its really no problem Carmen. Kate intrigues me like no other. I dont plan to leave unless Kate kicks me out. He smiled. Youll have your hands full with that one Garrett, but I think you are up to the challenge. Carmens eyes sparkled with mirth. Thank you again. My pleasure, Carmen, my pleasure, Garret replied before turning to go back toward the den. He was hardly surprised to find Kate already there, putting a DVD into the player. She was dressed now in a yellow silk cami, a pair of orange silk pajama pants. Her pale hair was hanging down her back and looked freshly washed. He stopped to admire her.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 08:46:11 +0000

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