Carol and I did something today we havent done for awhile. We - TopicsExpress


Carol and I did something today we havent done for awhile. We loaded up her van with Amy, Mollie and Jake and headed up to the mountain. Carol had the goal of Mollie and Jake going swimming in Alder lake. We didnt leave until almost 2:00 so needless to say there was no place to park. Undaunted we continued on to the national park. We only went as far as Longmier. Carol and Amy needed to use the restroom and I was going to walk the puppies around but Jake would NOT budge. He knew his gramma was behind that door and he was NOT going to leave until he knew she was safe. So I stood there in front of the door of the ladies room with Jakes nose against the door. When they came out Carol walked the puppies and Amy went into the little store for pop and trinkets. She bought a dreamcatcher and a little wolf. I was VERY disappointed that they didnt have what I wanted. Those little cameras that have a little slide show with pictures of deer, bears, flowers and of course the mountain. So I didnt buy anything..... I LOVE those things, I think I have one somewhere. On the way home Carol insisted that we try Alder lake again and Ill be derned if we didnt find a parking space. So we got Amy and the puppies out and off we went to the lake. Carol had on her water sandals so she took the puppies into the water and Amy and I sat on a bench and watched. Jake is usually the one who is the fondest of water but this time Mollie was swimming circles round him. There was a partially submerged log and she kept walking out on it a jumping in and swimming back. She did it at least five times. Jake was swimming but he couldnt get on the log like Mollie. We stayed there for about 45 minutes, the puppies swimming the whole time. They slept all the way home. We had Papa Murphy pizza and I had a root beer float. Altogether a pretty nice Sunday.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 05:10:52 +0000

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