Carol has a parent/teacher conference for both grandsons this - TopicsExpress


Carol has a parent/teacher conference for both grandsons this evening while Daddy in class. She has a lot of questions on how to better help them at home but knowing the school only allows 15 minutes per conference it is hard to get very much covered. The teachers surely are getting accustomed to Carol’s regular emails. Before Carol left she looked at me and asked, “Am I intimidating?” knowing that she is older and has taught more years than young teachers. I told her, “Well, quite frankly, sometimes you scare me deeply!” She laughed and said, “Boy, I walked right into that one.” What remained silent were the times that she has had all she can take and goes on the warpath (which is usually evening right before the boys’ bedtime). Everyone clears the deck except for Kegan (6) who believes since he is the baby that he has the right to set Grandma off anytime he wants without repercussion. (Sometimes he is right but at other times very wrong.) I have a secret, quiet place on our rooftop that I keep for just such occasions. I lead such a difficult life.
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 21:39:13 +0000

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