Carolina lives next door I am here in bed thinking about how - TopicsExpress


Carolina lives next door I am here in bed thinking about how everything changed next door when sweet Carolina passes away. Now her niece Doreen has it all to herself and that is how life goes on. My first day moving in here I saw the woman up in that same window that Doreen shouts from. When I first saw this huge victorian style house on this hill I was intimidated being in this cottage so close by.I was soon to learn all about the history of both. I was settling in on moving day and the helpers had all gone home when a soft knock was coming from the door. I asked who it was and a womans voice answered it is your neighbor, Miss Carolina Jones. May I come in? I jumped up to let her in and meet someone from around here. Come in Carolina, I am Etta, named after my grandmother. She holds up a small picnic basket and said Are you hungry and maybe tea for two? I smiled in approval. The place is small but cozy and fortunately the men left the sofa clear for me to now use. I motioned to her to take a seat and she did while putting the basket ontop of a moving box still full. I sat next to her and she gave me a hug and when I sqeezed her slightly she moved closer to me. I felt like I was with a family member. She kissed my cheek and then proceeded to set our little table on another box. It was a small tablecloth and then two tea cups and dessert plates. I am no expert but these seemed to be very antique looking. I was impressed with the gold trim on everything and even the spoons were sterling silver. I have a choice of ham salad,egg salad or bagels with cream cheese which were deliver just now for me to meet you just like this. I have not set foot in this house in twenty years since I moved into the big house when father died. This cottage was built for me and my husband right next door and if you look closely you will notice lots of windows on your house and mine so they could keep an eye on us and they sure did. I had drapes in every window on that side of the house. we both giggled at the thought of that. Newly weds need their privacy. She explained that her great, great-grandfather had built the big house here because his dad had been a sea captain and when it was lost at sea his mother wanted a widows walk so she could look for him every day. Our family goes back to captain Jones of pilgrim fame at the Plymouth plantation The village had been called The Witches Finger because the land jetted out into the sea. It blocked the access to the tranquil bay here and was littered with early schooners traveling the coastline. This is a special sort of lagoon with deep water, perfect for heavily laden ships to dock and unload. The old sea captain had been a young boy of ten on a local ship working as a cooks helper. He recalled a huge hurricane was suddenly pressing down on them and shelter was needed.Just as the sky began to darken, the old skipper of that ship knew the coast line enough that he ordered them into this quiet,calm port to anchor over night. The next morning after daylight they set back out to sea. This boy remembered the old salt saying a sailors home,this would make, when not at sea When he was grown up, this man worked his way up to own a small schooner,he then brought his new bride here to settle and have a family. All his deck hands came with their families. The captains wife started the first general store on the coast when any ship could arrive in the early morning to navigate the jagged piece of land, the finger. This name was given to it because the captain and his wife refused to carry slaves and after the SALEM trials were over they allowed the last banished witch to live here. He had traveled the world and had seen hokus-pokus in one hundred languages and did not believe in that hateful thinking. The Jones family built her a new, little cottage with a garden, chickens and flowers to enjoy in her remaining years. The captain ordered his marines, hired watchmen, to pass by her home every night, all year to protect her from the real, crazy people.Some of the other villages named the shipping hazard after her. She was probably just an old woman that liked being alone. There are still stories of the captain,his wife and the former witch, would ride through town with their heads held high.The family tradition continues to this day. The following year all agreed the ship and old skipper were gone forever. It was agreed to change the name of the village to Widowport for ever. The hill was originally used to look for the incoming ships as soon as the dawn came. The big house was put there for the family to live. The son ran the business very well. He had the widows walk finished in a fine way. She had hot water running up there for her morning tea. The love and devotion their love must have been like was expressed by her devotion up there.She was the richest woman along the coast but it meant nothing to her. Money can not buy love. The most interesting feature was the enclosed spiral staircase from outside plus the secret entrance from her bedroom. Long after she was gone old friends would be allowed at dawn to go up for hot tea from china and in real china all handcarried from china.The chairs and table were rattan material with a view of the port. The old woman had asked on her death bed that whoever lives in this great home must climb to the heavens at dawn to watch for the ship and the captain.My soul will rest in peace then for eternity. I asked Carolina if she might want to look around again. She got up and walked slowly through every room, all cluttered with my things now.The place is full of my memories and will now make them for you too.I sold it when I decided it should be lived in.One couple stayed here all that time and the wife was not very friendly so we never made contact. You seem so easy going,I like you already. The house warming party over, she put her china away carefully, but then while leaving she insisted I visit her soon. I could not think of a nicer thing to do tomorrow. You are a wonderful neighbor.Goodbye for now. That night I slept on the sofa and looked out the windows at her house. She was correct. The view was perfect for watching each other.I did not see her in any of the windows and as tired as I was I could not care less being dead tired. If she did look over at me there was not going to be much to see. I did leave the light on being nervous in a new house. What a day it has been. I have a new friend already and she is elegant,educated and so much class. I doubt she has a tattoo or ever swears. Her heirs might have been sailors and knew every bad word from around the world but not the ladies of high culture. There is nothing preventing all classes of society to be informed and interested in everything. This Miss Carolina Jones is one of a kind in a real sense. Once and then again I thought I heard a faint voice calling for help. It was almost noon time and I had been in the house but thought I might enjoy the fresh air while eating. Help me Etta,I have fallen in my garden.Please come in the backyard. I yelled loudly to her Stay still Carolina,I am on my way.Help is on the way. I raced to her front gate. It was a tall wrought iron black door. I pushed the thumb button down and the gate opened automatically. I ran down the narrow walkway to find her sitting in a bed of flowers.She was more tangled up in there than hurt. You made it my dear friend in the lovers cottage. It seems I fell off the walkway. Once I landed my foot went into the bush and a vine grabbed me like a hand might. I was trapped being unable to turn over. I could see that she was exactly right.Some invasive plant was tangled in with the flowers. It took me two minutes to free her and get her on her two feet. After I dusted her off she straightened out and smiled I do not drink,smoke or swear and my gardener will be asked to cut back all these beautiful plants taking up more of the walkways. My grandmother and mother were planters and kept everything manicured.You will see every inch of the property is covered in all sorts of things. They brought in seeds from around the world to see if they might grow her.Winter is too hard on tropical things. After this incident it is time for a heavy pruning and manicuring or a broken leg will be next for me. May I invite you in? I shook my head in approval and followed her into the house. The first thing that struck me was the very tall ceilings and the furniture was old but highly polished wood. The kitchen had pots and pans all hanging for easy access as well as tall cabinets in an old fashioned pantry. A trip back into time. come follow me dear and I will give you the grand tour. Each room was described to me and had a name that the great-grandmother had designated. My favorite room on the first floor was the full library with a huge wooden globe in the center on the floor .It must have been very old, even I could guess that, by just looking at it. Carolina said that there were eight hundred books at last count and at least two hundred first editions.She knew the titles of all the classics and pointed to each. I saidOne could get lost in here and never leave it. Little did I know that in six months she would be suddenly gone from us. Peacefully passing in her bed surrounded by the things dearest to here from mother,father and great-great-grandparents too. This particular day of the tour she took me up to the widows walk. It was glassed and screened in making it breezy and sunny. She pointed to the chairs and little wicker table and said Those are the original pieces put up here for great-grandmother to sit in and enjoy her breakfast, lunch and dinner somedays. There is her old telescope that she look into for the last two years of her life. She wanted to see the ship with the golden mermaid glistening in the distance entering the harbor. Even though we were five miles from the sea shore I could see ships way off in the distance. It amazed me that generations ago women loved their man and stood by them until they died. How many hours did she spend up here with tears in her eyes? The bedrooms were large and one room that later belonged to Doreen was another window to watch things from.The gardens and hedges,lined the walks, like some european villa in a photograph. Carolina had several bouquets of fresh cut flower bunches all perfectly arraigned.Like her mother before her, the green thumb was passed on. There is one room that never changed and that was the art room. I am not an artist but I certainly would believe it if it was said that a masterpiece was there among them. The last time Carolina spoke with me was a Saturday. She was having a guest over to be a writers coach. Her friend was trying to write a book but although she was an excellent speaker and was full of stories the truth was the first page was always the hardest to finish. I knew Carolina well by then and knew her intentions were very honest and just the fact that a person was willing to try something was most important. Almost as an after thought she said My only living heir, Doreen Zunto (her mothers last name) Jones will be visiting me this evening for dinner. She does not realize that she is the only name in my will and testament. All my other socalled caring relatives are never to be seen unless a birthday or a holiday if gifts are involved.This daughter of my youngest brother has always called me, helped me for a month when I was very ill and alone. Her reward will be when my attorney,Saul, calls them together for the reading. Each will receive one thousand dollars period and the remaining estate goes to my beloved and caring niece Doreen. In my own words he will quote me from the beyond I want you to live in this house and love it. Your roots are here and you are surrounded by the precious things that once belonged to me and other member of the Jones family. You and only you will receive the family fortune. It has been growing almost untouched in my lifetime. I cooked from scratch and mended my clothing. Not that I had to but I was taught to live that way. My accountant assured me that you can spend up to one million dollars per year and with my hand on the estate until you die a trustee will release that amount on your birthday each year. Do as you please with your life and fill this house with laughter and things you might enjoy doing.I approve of this because I know you cared for me and now I can care for you. We used to talk every day for a few minutes to say good morning. This was a silent way of checking on the health of each of us.On the second morning I called the police to check on her health and well being. Shortly afterwards a knock on the door came. It was a police officer thanking me for alerting them. He said she was gone now and appeared to have died in bed reading or had fallen asleep. She had a copy of MOBEY DICK in her hand.I saidrest in peace my dear friend Carolina.I will watch Doreen for you now. I was soon to learn that the two were like night and day. There would soon be laughing, yelling, screaming and carrying on all night sometimes. This girl was on top of the world and in my mind deserved everything she now had. She earned it by being kind and considerate to Carolina till the end. I was surprised when she moved in a week later and said I am now a dominatrix. You are welcome to my house warming party next weekend.I beg you to bring a few friends to add to the mix. This house is alive and ready to live.You are my special neighbor and I was told by Caroline to always watch over you with my eyes and my heart. She told me to thank you for all the fond memories if she were no longer here to do so. My first thought was that I will bring my best friends to this special occasion.I then sat down and sent out the invitations. I must have Sandra here see this place. She is a bookworm and I think I know where she will be all day in there. Now I have the perfect reason to have Jayne over to catch up on the past and enjoy being together. I have to get Janet for sure. She will pass out when she sees that kitchen, better equipment and utensils than many restaurants.We will make an interesting ensemble. I wrote on each card to meet at my place and we will go next door to Doreens place. The Dominatrix. That ought to get them over here to see this for real. Once they go in I hope they come back and the same way.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 16:29:53 +0000

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