Carols Healing from Within – Why I do what I do I have been - TopicsExpress


Carols Healing from Within – Why I do what I do I have been asked to share my story, about how my life changed for the better, after having a chronic illness that lasted for almost 10 years. Perhaps my story can help you or someone you know . . . I had a long and successful career as a physiotherapist in my own busy private practice on the city fringe. Out of the blue, in 2003 I was suddenly struck down by a mystery virus while kyaking on the River Murray in very high temperatures. Weeks, months and then years passed by as I suffered and searched for answers. I couldnt understand why I didnt recover. Apparently I had a neuro-immune disease called Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), a debilitating form of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. My main symptom was constant headache. Along with nausea, lethargy and brain fog it was very difficult to function. After years of pushing myself I was forced to stop working, and remained virtually bedridden for the next 2 years. I consulted every type of medical specialist known to man but found more questions than answers. My brain scans showed multiple lesions and sophisticated blood tests showed that my cells were producing energy at only 25% of normal levels. Many prescribed treatments made me feel worse. Despite strong support from family and friends, especially my amazing husband, son and daughter . . Life was pretty miserable. It was all very life changing as you can imagine. I felt very drawn to the lovely Fleurieu peninsula with its cleaner air and beautiful beaches. We knew no-one there but took a leap of faith and sold up our home and business in the city, a move that ultimately proved to be a great blessing. Then in 2009 I encountered an additional challenge, this time life threatening. I was diagnosed with a Level 3 malignant melanoma. My quality of life had been so poor that my first reaction was that this was my way out – it would be a relief to die! This was my turning point. It scared the pants off me that I could even have that thought, and I started to look at my life very differently. I picked myself up and decided that I would find a way to be happy, even if I couldnt be well. I realized that I had a choice – that pain and suffering didnt have to co-exist. How true it is that when we can no longer change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves. I stopped looking for others to cure me and started to take responsibility for myself, and I discovered lots of wonderful things. I found that meditation calmed my inflamed central nervous system and eased my brain pain. I learned that what we think affects how we feel, and I started to believe in the human bodys amazing capacity to heal when given the right raw materials. My quality of life began to improve as I started to heal from within. After my rock bottom point, I was ready to launch upwards, and the people I needed came into my life and showed me the way. I studied various forms of energy healing which led me to address underlying cause rather than a set of symptoms. Then just when I needed it, I was gifted a pass to a conference in Brisbane about Happiness and its Causes. I heard many wonderful speakers, including my heroes Jane Goodall and HH Dalai Lama . . and how fortunate I was to sit at lunch with Sarah Wilson (I Quit Sugar) and David Gillespie (Sweet Poison)! I had already started to clean up my diet and was feeling some benefits, but after chatting with these inspirational people, I did some more research, and gradually removed all allergens and inflammatory agents from my plate. I adopted a whole foods diet, removing most processed foods and additives in order to provide my body with the best possible nutrition. Later I was also shown how to avoid many harmful ingredients in my home and personal care products too, and another missing piece of the wellness puzzle fell into place. My body must have breathed a sigh of relief as it no longer had to deal with all of these foreign substances, and could go about its intended business of repair. I now teach others a holistic and preventive approach to health. It is of course not just about our food. Modern day stress is rife so my focus is also on Balancing Body and Mind. If I had to categorize the way of eating I currently support I would say Paleo, perhaps best described as Low Human Intervention. I advise people to eat cleanly – for maximum nutrition, vitality, alkalinity and hormone balance. Fostering a high percentage of beneficial gut bacteria is crucial too – for our energy, immunity and mood. I am living proof that healthy choices do work, and I feel very motivated to share this message with others, especially those who are often un-necessarily stuck in a pattern of chronic ill health. I am here to urge others to take back control. There are many helpful choices you can make in all aspects of your well being, like all the things we ingest - our food, water, chemicals and even our thoughts and emotions. I commonly see heart warming turn arounds in the mental and physical health of people who are ready and willing to adopt simple measures like these. Some of the testimonies are astounding and they are all life affirming. So this is why I do what I do – reminding people about the benefits of common sense and getting back to basics, where nutrition and lifestyle are concerned. I feel that I am now standing in the light at the end of a long dark tunnel. When you know better, you will do better, and for me there is no going back. I know this is the way forward and I now see it benefit people every day. Please stop looking outside yourself for your health and happiness. You are stronger and more resourceful than you can imagine. Go out and create the life you want to remember :D . . .
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 01:08:19 +0000

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