Carpenter Ant Extermination is Critical to Protect your - TopicsExpress


Carpenter Ant Extermination is Critical to Protect your Home While carpenter ants are not as damaging to the structure of your home as termites, they are still threats to the structure of your house. Unlike termites, carpenter ants don’t dine on the wood in your home, but instead, tunnel it out to create galleries with several tunnels leading to adjoining areas known as satellite nests as the number of ants grow. The nests---galleries---and the tunneling take their toll on the wood, compromising its strength as the size and number of tunnels grow. If the wood is part of the support for your home, it can undermine the structure and become costly to repair. Finding them in your home in the winter is a sure indicator they’ve established a nest somewhere in your home. Carpenter ants may be small, but the continuous effort and their rapid growth of numbers can be cataclysmic. However, no matter how hard they work, they also work smart and don’t bother with dry, hard wood, but focus on damp, soft decaying wood that is easy to chew out with their mandibles. If you have areas where wood is continuously damp, find and eliminate the problem first and you’ll go a long way in eliminating the carpenter ants. However, these ants may set up household in hollow doors, so even if your home isn’t damp you may have a problem with ants. The damage from carpenter ants is slow, but steady. However, finding flying ants in your home shouldn’t create a panic. You can use a vacuum to help reduce the numbers. Of course, you’ll want to immediately dispose of the bag. Using bait that these ants take back to the colonies can help reduce them in number, but the best way to handle carpenter ants is to use the services of a pest control expert that can not only identify their location, but also find methods of eradication that exterminate the ants, but don’t harm the environment or the members of your household.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 23:40:04 +0000

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