Carrie Mathison Here are comments from Dzhokhars Aunt Maret. She - TopicsExpress


Carrie Mathison Here are comments from Dzhokhars Aunt Maret. She is Maret, Im Carrie Princeton and we talk quite a bit about Mt. Auburn Street. For my friends that follow me on Twitter, you know that I have been going on about #MtAuburnSt since I hatched out of my little Twitter egg. Good to finally see were all on the same page, or Street, in this case. Definitely worth a read. Maret is responding to olDukes removal of a different persons post that showed fake blood and such. − maret olDuke a day ago Really, you agreed you leave the victims alone, it will not help the cause? If you, your superiors, the mass media, would stop pushing that agenda that it was a terror act, and not a drill, with the fake injuries and victims, through publics throat to swallow, it would have helped the cause for sure! Of course, those victims and injuries have to be real (anybody, who saw that video presented, see how real they are! LOL If (your) the official story not to be believed by the public, how can all the bodies involved in that drill (fake terror act) would benefit? There were many of those, who benefited from just that ONE FUND alone. So-called victims were paid, actors were paid, business owners, who had insurances, were paid the so-called damages and loss to their businesses, the local and the federal enforcement agencies got their share to fight so-called terrorism (though manufactured by themselves), the defence, the prosecution is getting paid for this trial to convict the scapegoats, you have chosen. It wasnt so difficult to make a choice, was it???? They knew beforehand that it will be Tamerlan Tsarnaev. They knew, the proof of that is that family guy issue that was aired a month before the BMB. But, your superiors didnt expect that Tamerlan will not take the blame for something he didnt do. Your superiors were hopeful that Tamerlan would be easy to brake, because you left him no way to back of it, to ask for any help from any foreign consulate. Your superiors knew at that point that Tamerlan had his Kyrgyz international passport expired in October of 2012, and that Tamerlan didnt pick up his Russian passport, he applied for during his trip to Dagestan (the Russians didnt simply give it out to him, even though it was ready then,in July of 2012, waiting for him in the office. The Russian FSB jointly fighting terrorism with his American partners, also knew, that Tamerlan will be targted in one of those manufactured war on terror operation. Your superiors knew that Tamerlans american citizenship application was only pending then. Well, your superiors knew what they were doing, that they had a scapegoat ready to be to used in any of their drill, false flag, whatever they would want to present as a terror attack. The expectation of your superiors didnt go exactly the way they intended, Tamerlan didnt submit to their demand to take the blame, and he was murdered. Remember, the podstava video, there Tamerlan yelled out in Russian podstava, I came here, and I was set up, have you seen it? Yes you did, because there was discussion on that, involving Crime Reporter, referring to her husbands knowledge of Russian. Tamerlan was on the ground face down, arrested, handcuffed. One of the captors, after he searched Tamerlans pockets for documents, said it is him, the question followed: is it him?. Tamerlan knew there were Russian speakers among those, who arrested him, that is why he spoke Russian. When Tamerlan said i came here, and I was set up, the guy standing responded pizdets, nu ti i popal (CR will confirm that text), which means got it right. Tamerlan, understood that he was lured out there to Watertown by somebody, related to the Russian agency, under the pretence, that he will get help. Tamerlan was demanding,can I call my wife, officer, I know my rights, read me my rights officer, I know my rigths, the response no was heard. yes was saying Tamerlan. Then he is heard saying: where is my bro?. Tamerlan asked about him, because he knew, Dzhokhar was with him in the car, when they were arrested, but they were separated right there. After that, Tamerlan is seen naked in custody of the police, then handed over to the FBI, after he refused to take the blame for you false terror atack, he was murdered. Dzhokhar was planned to be used as the one to be blamed for that same attack, and for the death of Tamerlan. The Russians gave you a helping hand, when they announced to the public, that they warned you (meaning your superiors) about Tamerlans radicalisation, which is a total BS. The Russians were returning some kind of favor to you, and were showing that they are ready to fight terrorism alongside with your superiors. Serves both parties well. Manufactured war on terror, the most well paid off business nowadays. This must be those durty politics, Sharleen was telling my family about, that we became the victims of. I will not give you Dzhokhars life without a fight. Yesturday, when I read that Dzhokhar shaked his head, as saying no to the accusation of him killing Collier, I was relieved, it kind of gave me hope, that he, Dzhokhar must really be alive (until now I had doubted that he was). But, that is only a little proof, I need more. The BMB is a drill, there were no real victims or injured, that is what I stand by. And, that stance of critically thinking people, scares the shit out of you and your superiors OlDuke, olddog. 7 Reply − Crime Reporter maret a day ago Maret, oh my God! Thank you! My husband and I knew that guy was saying SOMETHING in Russian, but the quality is so bad that youd have to be a natural Russian speaker to understand it. My husband learned Russian in the Army and is a bit rusty. He can still read and write it, but is a little rusty hearing it. We could tell it was a foreign language, likely Russian, but couldnt make it out. When he gets home, Im going to play that for him again and tell him what you said. BTW, you may not know this. I cant remember if you ever lived in the Boston area, but Watertown has a large Armenian community. There are many Russians there, as well. Why not put a contact there? Someone speaking either Armenian or Russian would blend right in. On Edit: Were fighting for him, too. We know something is terribly wrong here. Getting to the heart of that is our first goal. 3 Reply − olDuke Crime Reporter a day ago she is saying that guy is Tamerlan. 0 Reply − maret olDuke a day ago The voice on that video, we heard, was Tamerlans. Anzor and I, listened to his voice very thoroughly. The fact, that he was asking to call his wife, strongly suggests to me that there was none other, than Tamerlan, who knew that he has only his wife he could call to, to tell her what was happening, and ask for help (other relatives were far from him. None other, than Tamerlan, knew that Dzhokhar was with him, when they both were stopped and arrested, Tamerlan was there on the ground, Dzhokhar was taken some other place, that is why Tamerlan was asking where is my bro, wanting to know where they have taken him. None other, than Tamerlan would have yelled out for Dzhokhars name at that video, as he was heard at some point screaming Dzhokhaaar, and there was the voice, yelled back Tamerlaaan. But, I found it weired that these voices were heard kind of in a distance. It could have been because, Tamerlan was pushed down to the ground, and he was exhausted, in disbelieve of what was really happening, trying to lift his heavy handcuffed body up under that pressure put on him. At some point we could see in the darkness of the light that an uniformed man in a yellow vest, put his boot on the upper body of Tamerlan, pushing him to the ground, in order to shot him off from speaking. Tamerlans cousin also confirmed that it was Tamerlans voice, and it was the way his English sounded. see more 7 Reply − Jennifer OHarah maret 7 hours ago In that video you can also hear one of the cops say this guy lives here and he doesnt know who he is....then some other stuff...But at the end, you can definitely hear someone yelling in the distance Tamerlan!!...It has to be D.....but when is this timeline? In the interviews with the Watertown cops (Pug, etc), they say nothing about this incident. I noticed in this video there is a black pickup truck pulled over, and it is at the top of Adams st on Mt. Auburn. This was where the call came in later on the scanner (after Laurel incident), that shots were fired (long guns) from a black PICKUP -NOT suv. Who was driving this car....and if this was Tam on the ground there, and D yelling for him....who was having the Laurel/Dexter shootout with Watertown? The narrative doesnt match AT ALL. 1 Reply − carrieprinceton Jennifer OHarah 5 hours ago The Podstava video on Mt Auburn Street was filmed at 1:02 am. You can hear the police scanner in the background and the timing matches the transcript. Also in that video, you can hear a lot of shouting towards the end and this is the exact time that they have the blondish haired guy in pajamas also on Mt. Auburn Street. They describe him on the scanner as well and he is 98 feet from where Tamerlan is. I have a dvrd Dateline from April 2013 in which the video footage of the blonde guy actually shows the officers with guns on him all looking to their left at Tamerlan and you can see the commotion down the street. 2 EditReply − olDuke carrieprinceton 5 hours ago you are absolutely right! I remember that and wondering what else was going on but never, subsequently, put the two together...Do you think this was cover to distract the news media away from TTs arrest? The local news station just a while later had the local reporter on and his camera was unplugged when they tried to get a view inside the ambulance. When he came back on - he apologized and kept his distance. The last thing he reported before signing off was that State Department representatives had just arrived along with FBI.... 1 Reply − carrieprinceton olDuke 3 hours ago On the police scanner, right after Tamerlan is identified as seen in the Podstava video of him in handcuffs on the ground at Mt. Auburn Street, an Officer says, Bomb Squad to CP, Im off at 547 Mt. Auburn Street in Watertown for that package in the roadway. This is exactly where Tamerlan was. Then an Officer says, Might be a dumb question for us, but will any of our cell phones inadvertently set off these bombs, will they set them off from a distance or is it alright to have them with us? It is possible, yes. CP, could you possibly make an announcement to leave them in their cruiser or something? So they have all cops power down their cell phones and then, the same Officer that asked the dumb question went on to say, Call me on my cell and gave out his number. They didnt want photos or videos taken, not because they were worried about bombs. At one point, a man is pretty angry on the scanner and says, To all units in the area, POD to all officers in multiple locations, can someone please just get on the radio and tell em where we have devices so we can deploy our assets, please! Then: Major Brown, we have a robot at Upland Street. Then angry guy responds, We have a robot from the city at Upland Street, okay. Then: So were all set here, we have one custody at gunpoint. Angry guy: Someone else please let them know where the second device is. And it goes on like that with them referring to the brothers as devices and then Tamerlan is referred to again as the package in the street. Trooper Hagen, we have a package on the ground at Mt. Auburn. see more 0 EditReply − olDuke carrieprinceton 3 hours ago I think you may be right on the account....I recall that exchange like it was last night
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 19:25:50 +0000

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