Cartel Close in On Chikwanda The noose is tightening on Finance - TopicsExpress


Cartel Close in On Chikwanda The noose is tightening on Finance Minister Alexander Chikwanda to resign with the purse man insisting he is a victim of the machinations of the cartel that want to force him out. Chikwanda, who has long been on the loathe list of the cartel that remote control President Michael Sata, has not helped his case by revelations that his business deals involving multi million kwacha contracts with the mines has landed on the table of his adversaries. A sustained drive to force him out has gone into overdrive with the Post Newspaper chorusing the mantra of the ‘kick out’ Chikwanda campaign. Chikwanda, who is the badge carrier of the Northern circuit within the PF, is holding out his opponents and says the attacks on him are calculated and aimed at undermining his position. He said everything he is doing is in public domain and he will not fall to the whims of newspapers and childish egos. The finance minister who has been in government since independence has twice threatened to quit his government position in the past but seems determined to hang on this time around with his opponents baying for his blood. With the Northern circuit staking for a greater say in the behind the scenes power game, Chikwanda’s team will not be expected to take everything thrown at them lying down. Justice Minister Wynter Kabimba is on record as having thrown jibes at the tribal laces within his party that he had angled at the Bemba clique in the ruling Patriotic Front. zambiareports/2014/08/20/cartel-close-chikwanda/
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 06:48:47 +0000

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