Case of Loneliness turns in to Addiction of Smoking with - TopicsExpress


Case of Loneliness turns in to Addiction of Smoking with beautiful Messages from Higher Soul: I asked her why she smoke She answered she needed to be accepted in friends and was the reason for her to smoke went back in time at ae of 12 and found heself at one of her friends palce who gave her ,her first cigarette. Sub: I want to come out of everybody, Friends, and kids from school. I wanted to be accepted. Me: Why does u feel unaccepted? Sub: Feeling not love, not feeling good enough I allowed her heart to speak. Heart is a symbol of Love. Sub: Heart feels sad, full of disappointment Sub: I feel lonely and disappointments I asked her to check whether there are holes in Heart.Coz when heart is fragmented, it means it needs emotional healing immediately. Sub: There are many holes in my heart. Its coz of disappointments, not having Love. She narrated that her parents were divorced and she always awaited her father to come back but he didnt come back she was just 8.She felt hopeless then Sub:Holes happened when my father left. Then Holes added when more people left. Age between 7-8 is an age where foot prints are left behind for life time, Loneliness without father and other people and rejections from life made her lonely. Her heart was healed then after she wept . Then she described that Heart is opening up, its white and beautiful, I asked her to call pink light, which she said it’s not going thru. She had reasons for it.She explained she’s scared of rejection.(Rejection for Love). I explained subject that those rejections were made in past and that nothing is related to present or current time so must go and bury that past rejections and fear of those rejections in her backyard, and she did happily coz she needed that change..... Then .... Sub: It’s pink water flowing all over Subject needed the support to be in flow coz she was scared ,once she got this support she happily accepted the change and allowed her heart to open up for pink LOVE. Then we worked on Smoking part which was second part of the session coz it is related to Physical level and not soul level or mental level. One must work on mental level first rather than physical level. Once mental level is trapped Physical will be resolved easily. Smoking: I asked subject why she craves for Cigarettes, She said she enjoy freedom, I was wondering what kind of freedom they enjoy in smoking? Sub: My Body craves for smoke, whole body. I asked Body directly why does it want cigarette? Body: Feels good. Me: What part of body craves for smoking first? Sub: Chest. Chest is the part where all emotions subside, hides, resides. I asked chest why it needs smoking It said it feels comfort, pleasure Me: What do you describe pleasure? It said pleasure feeling free and relaxed; it gives me what I want. Those who smoke or drink they feel pleasure and freedom but actually that is illusions they actually running of themselves hiding themselves, instead must stand and fight. Guided chest to accept lights and clear itself from illusions and smoke of fear and rejections. Subject felt heavy with emotions from chest which I allowed her to do with that she started having burning sensations in her chest, which actually were her dead emotions residing within her from long life or may be Lives. I called Dead emotions coz that burning sensations were not hurting her anymore. She wept and said I wanted to feel good Me: who stops you to do that? Sub: Myself. I can’t do it. Me: Why u can’t do it? Sub: I don’t believe myself, disappointment of failure, fail relationship, job, work, not reaching my goals. I asked her why she’s so weak. Sub; Fear….. Yes that’s what the main Root Cause of everything- ‘If one overcome Fear ,can have complete control over the life .Fear makes us weak for everything, please control Fear and over come of it believe in yourself and your Lords, Allah is always with everyone not a second or fraction of movement he leaves any of his kids alone, so fear not of anything, but be what you are. I asked her where she had subsided her fear she replied in MIND ‘How mind and heart and every part are connected coz everything is energies and likewise we all are also connected, just need to work carefully watch our self our thoughts carefully, which helps us to grow and others too. Sub: Its mind that control body. Before I would have jumped on mind to relate the problems I asked the subject to bury her burning dead sensations (Emotions) in her back yard once again and she did that very happily, coz she wanted change… Me: Feel your chest, How you feel about it? Sub: Feel Tired –Body Is tired. Low Energy. Asked her to fill it with Divine lights which were litted.She felt warm and good then after in her chest. I asked her what the description of feeling good in chest is. She replied: I don’t feel stress am calm, Present (Means she felt in NOW “and not Past ...she was dwelling on past memories subsided residing in her chest as a heavy emotions which craved her chest for smoking to feel free or at ease which wasn’t possible coz of those stale energies present as a Past memories) Me: So I assume that you were living in past life. Sub: Yes. I asked her to remove all those stale energies from chest and bury it in her backyard. And she again did happily coz she needed change. After that she started feeling flow of fresh Energies in her body which was blocked before. Also she checked her auras whether if any holes around her auras. Then we spoke with her Mind. Asked Mind what kind of mind it is? Have it been connected with somebody else (wanted to check if it has any blockages or negativities). Mind: Just for past. I stopped protecting her she was always a dreamer. She needs great guys, successful, wanted always to be nice, she wanted to do great things. I stopped protecting. Me: Is she influenced? Mind: She is influenced by past, all pain in her heart, suffering in past.(heart next to chest).She puts herself in a box I asked Mind to help her, it said I want her keep inside the box, it’s a comfort Box. I explained Mind to open the box and let her fly from that comfort zone. But subject wasn’t coming out of it coz she was used to it she was scared of falling, she didn’t wanted to fly high coz she was happy in that box to be protected ,but to know ourselves our potentiality one needs to face sky so can fly and check their wings how much can it be used. That wasn’t happening coz of FEAR” a main negativities a root cause of all Negativities Fear”. Once we overcome our fear we are free to fly. And this what my client did, she flew higher after coming out of that box of Protection ad Fear and found that she is infinite and endless. Colors around white and blue. I asked her to lock that box in mind and fill up with divine light and then seal it...She did that happily coz she needed change….. While flying I asked her about her experience, she says I am feeling crazy. I asked her to see her mind now which was glowing radiantly. Then she narrated that while flying higher she’s finding harder, upon asking the reason, she replied, it’s Gravitation /Energies is pulling her down. I conversed with those energies ME: What kind of energy are you? SUB: I don’t know I asked her to throw light and find out who it is and was found that it was her own past life a girl again in past who was a stronger personality Jessica and died out of an car accident all alone, and that past life was not allowing her to learn her lessons in this life means she was dwelling in her previous life too. I allowed that energy to get merged in lights which were pulling subject down .She did that coz she also needed to change… Then my client flew higher easily and found her master who spoke to us. Me: Who is Ur Master? Sub: Universe is my master. It says am Divine. My life purpose is to help other people reach their goal by helping myself; I have to focus myself before I help others. Me: ask ur master when would u receive your real Love? (Loneliness is a heavy emotion we ourselves create around us and that is addiction and not smoking, once ur free from these emotions other physical addictions vanish on its own). Master: It’s going to come on expected Me: For that what you need to do. Master to sub: Continue to Love myself, be open to receiving, and continue stay connected to Source, energy. (You only can give something if u has it in abundance, so love yourself first to give and get Love have abundance of Love within you coz ur born with it, and you do not have to borrow) Me: Once we are back in physical life, how do we keep connected to Source and Energy? Master: Staying aware, knowing the duality, focus on things which she cannot, she is impatient, learn Patience. Sometimes she doesn’t, she analysis too much, she has to be patience. (Believe In our heart as heart is a seat of Universe, when Heart speaks God speaks, do not allow mind to chatter much and analyses the matter too much with “If, But”) Continue Meditating, continue living life of Love, Patience, enjoy the present, be happy now, not to wait for something,someone.Be happy NOW ”becoz its very there. I asked Master that how should she continue to do that? Master: To be secured herself, she is power powerful, she is limitless, and she has to know that. Me: Why is that we forget our purpose once we come in physical state? Master: They have to coz they supposed to ,they come into this world as a journey to learn lessons and you learn lessons by peeling and peeling oneself to learn ,that’s why you forget urself,that;s part of journey, when you become aware every challenges that is put ,it teaches you lessons, it’s just keep coming back ,for different lessons, somebody they never learn their lessons and it’s just they keep going back. I asked master if my client also was one of them who don’t learn their lessons. Master: Actually she is awakening. She is hitting the pain and suffering and finally awakening I asked if there are any messages for every soul on earth. Master: To enjoy your journey, to know that everything that happens really matters something, to come to your life. They do lessons for you .See that matter in life you have an agreement to a person and you have to be very focus, you have to agree to do it coz it teaches us a will free from pain. I asked very slowly that who it was speaking to us. Am a Higher Soul of Subject. I asked how she should stay connected with higher soul. Higher soul: Thru Meditation stay connected with me with patience so that it becoming thru consciousness, so onward I am the consciousness and becomes nobody, awake, no nothing to get about, turn on environment to get about, everything becomes nobody that’s on way to adjust and better use yourself (It means through meditation becomes nobody just a pure soul and be aware of environment and then adjust yourself with that environment, keeping away low energies like ego, ME factor etc.) I asked the higher soul was that enough for the client to understand her situation. HS: Yes it is enough for her unless she doesn’t work out ,she overcome it, she needs to learn her lesson that is, she is ,but if she doesn’t ,becomes worst in her environment, she doesn’t overcome her emotions or tensions then will remain there. Me: Are those dead emotions which are hurting her? HS: Yes it is her environment Me: what kind of Environment? Hs: The Environment she is craving, is inspired of, she’s earning her survival instead of creations. Me: Were these emotions were reasons of Smoking addiction? HS: Yes. Me: If she overcomes these emotions, she will overcome her smoking too? HS: Yes I asked HS whether after this session client will drop her smoking or it will take time for her to overcome that. HS: That is on her, she has power to do, she has power to put off as long she lives, fearless, potentials there, and she just has to be confident. I asked if there are any messages for me and the messages given are very important for all of us HS: Continue helping people, you have gifts use your gifts, continue purpose of life, stay on Alignment, go with the currents, stay on Alignment things just flows to you, things comes to you, everything flows, universe, everything flows and as soon as you come out of the Alignment things becomes harder, be in flow, things are available in flow. Don’t go against currents (means present NOW) Me: means Current? HS: Yeh Current, current of Energy, current of frequency, energy, frequency. Me: How does one understand that we going against current or against frequency? What are the signs? HS: The sign of going out of the current is you know your body tells that, so you fall sick or you feel sad or running in bad emotions are the reminder. Love is high Frequency, fear is Low frequency, so when we fear, then you are out of Alignment. Me: When do we come to know that we are out of Alignment? How do we come back to Alignment? HS: You have to become aware of your thoughts, emotions; you have to experience through meditation and make aware those thoughts, those thoughts keeps you continuing feeling those emotions. Then Creator becomes the Observer. Me: I needed to know whether am on Alignment or on purpose how do I know it? HS: Think, you are doing right job and your purpose you helping people, your servicing out the people, it makes u feel good then you’re in Alignment. Me: What about people who oppose some purposes and work of people? HS: Those people are barrier, they are the part of environment, and they create the environment. So when is opposition you get a position, you have to be greater than the environment. Everything what you need is within you.When your consciousness is connected to source in meditation, it becomes pure Energy, Watch your energies as world is all illusion, so your divine can co –create. Divine is all one. God is not outside you, God is inside you.Everywhere and everybody is connected, everyone and everything is connected. (I put forth this question coz our field of energy work, what we service to people they mostly disapprove and ask for proof for everything ,which sometimes force us to rethink our work). HS: As long as you know the students are ready the teacher will arrive or appear, sometime they are ready sometime they are high enough to call a dead so don’t listen. They can’t relate to then or can have this message to move on. Everybody, every country thinks they are all separate, religion separate everything separate. Actually no one is separate everybody is One and am sure everybody is awakening to realize that we all are ONE. And nothing is separate to learn the lesson. Trance was over ….. Subject needs to learn to Love herself to evict the addiction of heavy emotions and smoking and she tried her first step with me “Coz SHE needed this change” Love - Durratusharaf
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 16:57:38 +0000

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