Casper Pusey, my dearest Daddy, Speaking to you today, as - TopicsExpress


Casper Pusey, my dearest Daddy, Speaking to you today, as usual, gave me such a sense of joy and peace. Our conversations never have to be long for me to come away feeling better and knowing more. As I wished you a Happy Birthday this morning, I couldn’t help but appreciate how very blessed I am to have you as my father. This notion has been confirmed more times than I can count. I’ve tried throughout the years to express to you just how much you are loved and appreciated. No matter what I say, it never seems to feel as if I’ve said enough. I am your first-born child and your only daughter. (Your One and Only, as you often say!) I know fathers and sons have a special bond and while I’m sure you’d never declare a favorite among us, there’s a certain satisfaction in knowing you loved me first. :) I am a SUPREME Daddy’s Girl! No need to even deny it…I LOVE YOU! You were the prime example of a man who worked hard all the time and still found time to be there for me when I was younger. If I NEEDED it, you got it. When I think of the highs and lows of my life, I am beyond grateful for you! Admittedly, in my younger years, I saw (when I was being punished, of course) a strict man who scared the begeezus out of me! In my 30s, you’re still the only person I have a healthy fear of, second only to the rock in my life, my Mother!. (Whew! I just had a flashback to my dirty room you told me to clean three times…ouch!) Moving on… I know I’ve disappointed you at times and it broke my heart. You’ve never made me feel unloved though. It’s always been my own fear of having our bond broken. The one time I thought that might have happened, you brought tears to my eyes while reassuring me: “You will ALWAYS have my love and support. Don’t you ever worry about anything else! – sniff, sniff… You taught me that LIFE will beat me down sometimes but it’s MY responsibility to get back up. I can still hear your voice, “Babygirl, you gotta learn to live your life right now. You can’t focus on what you can’t change. All we have is this moment and you have to live and let the rest take care of itself…” You never allowed me to blame others for my mistakes or failures. I learned that NO ONE had power over me – except you and Mom, – and that I should be proud of who I am and where I come from. How could I not be, considering the example I had growing up. For a guy who raised himself, a guy who fought the world without parents to care, you sure displayed the characteristics of LOVE when it comes to me. Thank you! God has moved in a mighty way with your life, your entire 50+ years. It hasnt always been an easy road for you. From day one you were knocked around and pushed down. Im pleased to be the product of such a strong man and woman. The long road traveled by you has proven to teach many lessons to you and those around you. Youve given so much to each one of us and always rescued us sometimes when we couldnt save ourselves. Your selfless acts of kindness have touched our lives, even saved our lives, for some. We are forever appreciative!! Those memories will never fade. Youre wise beyond your years. Even Cancer couldnt take on the battle of YOU. With God on your side, a fighting spirit and your blood brother, an Angel on this earth. You could have lost.....BUT YOU DIDNT! Youre entire family thanks you and loves you beyond your fears!! Weve held your hand as you wiped our tears. Comforting us in your darkest days. WHAT AN AMAZING MAN!! That’s just a testament to who you are and how you love…and how others love and respect you. Growing up the daughter of the man EVERYONE around seemed to know didn’t always feel like a good thing. However, I honestly can not think of one time I ever heard anyone in my life speak negatively about you. How can one person be so liked/loved/respected? It’s just who you are. I could write about you until my fingers bleed. That’s not a pretty picture so I’ll end this by thanking you for being the driving factor in me learning to love and accept myself. Thank you for being the God-fearing man with unwavering faith and a matter-of-fact demeanor that I so desperately needed in my life. Thank you for being the reason I know that you can overcome anything if you BELIEVE. Thank you for showing me how to move on. Thank you for being a lesson in forgiveness. Thank you for including God and leading a life worth being admired. Thank you for loving this DADDYS GIRL, flaws n all. Happy Birthday to the blessing that is my father, my super hero, MY DADDY!! A huge Thank You to my cousin Mercedes Patterson!! Im fortunate to know I can make ONE phone call and show up to a room of 20+ loved ones!! Without you, last night would have been difficult to pull off! I know that time, distance and other factors have kept this family from being as close as it should be. Thank you for showing up, thank God for second chances and thank each one of you for the opportunity to never let anything/anyone steal our closeness ever again! I havent seen my Daddy light up like that since i was a very young child!! Thank You, Thank You Thank You!! I love our big fat crazy loud and fun family! You are all each one the very reason we still have a Daddy, Uncle, Brother, Friend and Husband to celebrate! I cant imagine a life any other way! I ask that those who know my daddy and even those who dont....give him a call, tell him your praying for him, lift him up, make this day more meaningful than most!!! Get to it!!!! Do it!!!!!!!!! 302-542-8330
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 19:35:31 +0000

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