Cassie and sky Mountain Solex Cassie loved the thought of living - TopicsExpress


Cassie and sky Mountain Solex Cassie loved the thought of living up so high in the clouds. She took her Pegasus and flew straight to the top of sky mountain, after Aristia restored Enchantia. When she arrived at the top of Sky Mountain it was practically deserted. Their were a few elves, mainly the wild elf tribe of old. Cassie took the sphere of peace, she conjured a grand castle. But not so large as Aristias. Cassie was not interested in grand standing or gold or any of that sort of tough. She just wanted her part of the realm as tranquil as it could be. She was happy to leave the discord between her other two sisters. There she allowed all the new comers to come. She was happy because she was the closest to the sky, besides the guardians. She could actually stand on her great balcony and perhaps see Lunas face in the moon. Cassie would often got to the highest balcony and breath in the fresh air and mediate. then she would often look over to the magnificent bird beast that flew in the sky and wondered about them. They were all so majestic and well trained. But Cassie was also was an explorer. She was not great at magic like Aristia or even Devina was. One day she took her stallion and went down to the forbidden forest. She always wanted to meet new creatures and see the mer-people swim in Lake Aura. But one day she decided to go to the golden river that rested on the foot of her mountain. There she decided to get off her horse and she would walk through the majestic golden trees. As she traveled on foot she saw interesting creatures about. Mostly she loved the fauns and she would go and watch linger and live the island of fauns. The island was located in middle of the river. But as she stood there she heard a great screech in the sky above. She looked up and saw a great fiery bird beast, and his rider flying over head. The elf-man was commanding the bird to land. It did, crashing right into the river. The elf-man fell with great slash off his bird and Cassie laughed. Solex swam to the banks of the river and got out cursing the mighty beast. Then he saw her, Cassie laughing by the tree. “My fair maiden,” he spoke so eloquently. “why do laugh at misfortune ,” Solex asked has he looked over to her. When their eyes meant there was an instant pull. But Cassie ignore it and still was laughing at him. Solex walked up to her and smiled. Cassie smiled back. During the next few months Cassie would routinely meet with Solex by the river, she even flew with him on his bird beast a few times and few times they would find themselves in the river with the bird. They grew together and fell in love. Eventually they married in small ceremony on top of the mountain. Cassie did not want to let it be known, not just yet that she married. She did not want Devina to appear and cause discord. Cassie had been getting reports that Devina managed to escape the forest of Redemption. Sometime long after her and Solex were married Cassie found she was with child. Cassie was over joyed she was having a male for she did not want a war with her sister Aristia if she had female, about who would be the next to reign, if Aristia had married and had a she-elf.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 00:45:38 +0000

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