Caste System in India: A Open Drainage! India a nation of - TopicsExpress


Caste System in India: A Open Drainage! India a nation of diverse culture not only that holds good but also a land of diverse problems. Caste is the most confused knot of all social problems. Religion is just a belief change anytime of the life, but caste is a constant which dont change even occupation and social status changes. Caste is like lomega value simply a mere constant dont change in any situation. We cant change caste but we can eradicate caste from our society .we cant expect politician to talk about casteless society because they want people to be divided. To remove the caste system one have to marry the brahmin lady or else inter caste marriage likewise Indira gandhi who was breed of Brahmin but she has done inter caste by changing the surname and also inspired to her husband to convert the religion into muslim .Actually both were belong to the same caste but shown the indication that they were fond of unity following the diversity in culture which was the unique example from great lady Shri Indira Gandhi but it was the brahmin lobby who has spoiled the culture and made the open drainage system where all the insecticides has entered as a result it has started to form the disease in the mind of common people.If you read the history we may find all the great saint were belong to lower caste community it has wrote in the BHAGWAT GITA that brahmin means who is intelligent and have mercy in their heart or else they may consider worst than sudras .Actually if you across the history all the learnt person were belong to sudras like wise Valmiki ,Goswami ,Sage Aitareya, Rishi Parashar, Rishi Vasishta ,Tulsidas and pandavas ,kuarvas Sage Vidura, all were belong to sudras however they have converted to kshatriya, by the doing some great karma .Society is created by us all the man are equal however people are socio domestic and selfish animal . let us take the example that when a youngster take a birth, he is just like atheists, only it is the mindset of the human race that they teach to them and accordingly they reflex the action. In the history of universe it has indicated that a person who has adequate knowledge is called Brahmin .As one more example i would like to reveal that why Dr.Baba Saheb Ambedkar was not treated Brahmin when he had posses requisite skills, No it is old age mentality and chronic disease where people has started to analysis that a downtrodden /poor person should not get uniform status in the society. It is the perception of the upper caste people who has created the discrimination by expressing their foul language in the Vedas .As per Vedas scriptures you may recognize different people have different skills and qualifications, but it is not by birth, it is by guna [qualification] and karma [work]. So if someone born of a sudra [worker] father becomes qualified [guna] and works as [karma] a brahmana he should be accepted as a brahmana.In the same way if the son of a brahmana doesnt have the qualifications of a brahmana or work as a brahmana then he is not a brahmana. But in my view i presume that it is mythology of thinking that culprit scholar manipulated in the society where poor people cannot sustain the status to become the administrators. Likewise , when you view the idol of god trimurti Brahma ,Vishnu , and Mahesha then you may identify that Brahma belong to Brahmin whereas Vishnu belong to Gwalla, and Mahesha treated as adivasi.As i have explained that Brahmin should not tell lie as per their philosophy mandated by them .But if you see real history then first lier was Brahma to whom universal has not accepted to worship then how can we say that they are pure Brahmin .Therefore it is the society and ideology of man to whom superior people has managed and started to dominate over the downtrodden people for their hidden goal.At last i can conclude that tribal people are more superior than other becoz we were the follower of Lord Shiva and Tulja Bhavni.So upper caste do not have permission to worship to Lord shiva but for the source of income they have adopted them and maintain the discrimination to other backward class. Your Lovingly Friends, Pravin Naik Social Workers Studied & followed the caste ism from American Scholars
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 08:35:37 +0000

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