Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your - TopicsExpress


Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully. This from my favorite fisherman turned fisher of men in I Peter 5:7. The Greek says "to throw upon" or cast upon. At Trout Lake on Saturday, I looked up in a tree and say a line and float that was entangled in a tree. I said that would be me trying to fish with a pole and line. That is the picture I had in my head this am when I woke up with the verse repeating in my heart. When I cast a line, I need to know where I am standing and what is in front of me and behind me. I want my line to go true into the water and float there to hook that fish I am after, but I must be aware of the shore and the trees around or the people beside me or my casting may hook something I am not aiming for. Release is an important learned technique in fishing. Dad taught me to stand and practice my release over and over until it was second nature to my hands. I have to focus on where I want my line to go, I have to release at the right moment and totally let it go. [If there is something that entangles my care from my past or what is behind me, then I have a mess to deal with and I cannot cast my whole line or care on my Lord. I may have to climb a tree and get my float back. I may have to forgive or let go of a part I am trying to keep back or control.] Yes, Peter used nets on a boat or the shore, but what I have in my hand is a pole, a line, a float and a hook. My casting involves what is in my hand and I have to throw it upon the water. My trust is that what I reel back in will assure me of His affection and care for me. The fish I catch will produce life in me. The process of fishing is like the covenant exchange: my cares casted on Him brings the assurance of His deep love for me. Thanks Peter. Thanks Dad. Thanks God for the whisper in my heart and the lesson for head today. Time to release. Time to throw it all wholly on You. You care for me. God is good.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 10:28:18 +0000

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