Castor Oil This oil is obtained from the castor plant or erandi - TopicsExpress


Castor Oil This oil is obtained from the castor plant or erandi ka tel. It is used in perfumes, paint, polish and pharmaceuticals. Benefits of castor oil: 1) Reduces anti-inflammation 2) Natural laxative 3) Slows down ageing and keeps the skin hydrated. 4) Build immunity 5) Gets rid of moles 6) It is used in cancer treatments Castor oil for hair: The two important components in castor oil are vitamin E and fatty acids. These are essential for hair growth as they increase blood circulation to the scalp. Due to its anti-bacterial property, this oil works well for those with infection and bacteria like dandruff. Castor oil nourishes the roots of the hair and reduces hair damage like split ends, dry hair and hair loss. How to use castor oil: Massage the castor oil on the scalp and run it through your hair. Due to its high density, shampoo your hair twice. You can also sleep with castor oil but place a cloth on the pillow to avoid staining the pillow case. For More on Castor Oil: Home Remedies for Beautiful Hair Olive Oil It is a known fact that olive oil is produced from olives. Olive oil is used in cooking, cosmetics, soaps and pharmaceuticals. Benefits of olive oil: 1) Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. 2) Prevents stroke 3) Lowers risk of depression and Alzheimer’s disease 4) Fight breast cancer risk 5) Protects the liver 6) Reduces risk of acute pancreatitis. 7) Improves skin Olive oil for hair: Olive oil fights fungal infection and bacteria like dandruff and head lice. Olive oil improves blood circulation to improve hair growth. This oil also reduces the secretion of DTH hormone that is responsible for hair loss. Olive oil works great at maintaining scalp health and improves hair growth. The oil also hydrates and helps manage your hair, it adds shine and gives you soft hair. How to use olive oil: You can massage olive oil to your hair and scalp or consume it. If you are focussing on healthy hair, it is recommended to apply olive oil especially if you have dry hair and dandruff. After applying olive oil, wrap it with a steaming hot towel to enclose the moisture in your hair.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 17:24:56 +0000

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