Cat fights, Snake bites, and bee stings....all signs of - TopicsExpress


Cat fights, Snake bites, and bee stings....all signs of predictable as the buttercups and dogwoods. I was on call this last week and encountered all three. We see more snake bites in the spring and fall, than in the summer. The snakes are coming out to warm themselves and are moving slow. Fido or Kitty think they look like exciting toys and get nailed...usually on the face or foot. You see swelling around the bite and usually a draining hole from fangs. We treat with antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and warm compresses to try to prevent abscesses. In our area, copperhead bites are the danger. What should you do? Call for advice. Start Benedryl at 1 mg per pound orally, and seek medical attention for something stronger for the swelling and sore that may develop from the toxin. I have only seen one dog die from a snake bite and it was from the infection after the bite. We are lucky we dont have to deal with rattlers in the immediate Charlotte area. Cats dont usually like Benedryl so call for medical attention. Bee Stings make your dog look like a bottlenose dolphin. They usually get stung on the face and you quickly see a swollen nose or perhaps hives in a short haired dog. Again, start with Benedryl and use cold compresses for this one. Make sure you are not seeing breathing problems, as the swelling can be so severe it closes airways. If the swelling or hives are severe or if vomiting starts, call for medical attention. Cat fights usually happen three to five days before you see the problem. The most common presentation is a limp and high fever. Careful examination usually finds a puncture wound that needs to be drained and antibiotics started. If you find the draining abscess, clean with water or hydrogen peroxide and call to get a check up to see if antibiotics are needed. They usually do.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 21:31:05 +0000

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