Caterpillars do not fly and neither do they have the ability or - TopicsExpress


Caterpillars do not fly and neither do they have the ability or means to do so. Nomatter how they may wish to sore in the air, gracefully sailing thru the skies it can never be coz for them, a leap in the air will send them plumetting to the ground. Often in life we wish we could have that fancy life, leave that gay life or one day be a business great lyk Stive Masiiwa bt alas like the caterpillar we have neither the ability nor means to do so. Question is, does the caterpillar end as a caterpillar? No..!! Later in its life it transforms to a beautiful butterfly that has no appetite for leaves bt for necter, that has a graceful body and a pair of wings, that doesnt live to eat bt has a life now filled wth adventure. But hw did that change come? Well, there was a tym when the caterpillar had to say enough is enough, i need change. Seemingly buried in its cacoon, away from every1s gaze it started being transformed inside-out as metamorphosis recreated it into an entirely new creature. Likewise only u can decide when enough is enough. It is u who chooses to be transformed by the renewal of ur mind by allowing God to change u from the inside. Its process that may seem hard and lonely at first, forsaking all that u enjoy and know and embrassing the new things according to His will. Hard as is it may be, ur cacoon(salvation chamber/process) is certainly not ur coffin, for after its done, u will find that life has so much to offer as a butterfly rather than as a caterpillar. U will find that u have the potential and capacity to do what u have never even imagined. God loves u and is ready to give u a fresh start to life, nomatter what u have done or went thru before. All u have to do is Him the permission to touch your heart So why live as a caterpillar when u can be a butterfly? Choice is urs #DocKudish
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 21:30:30 +0000

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