Cathars and neo-Cathars do/should not have places of - TopicsExpress


Cathars and neo-Cathars do/should not have places of importance/pilgrimage but I suspect/hope that the god from which we are stolen spirit sparks is at worst indifferent to human foibles and at best forgiving of them. I have spent time in the heartland of the Cathars/Albigensians/goodChristians at Carcassonna but have not yet made it to Montsegur,where my spiritual forbears made their last stand,which is marked at the foot of the pog(mountain)something likeAll Cathars.All Chrsitians.All burned. we are not supposed to pay particular attention to mortal remains-at best a cloak,at worst a prison but to manage our lives as best we can and endure the material living hell,not in misery or as miserabilists but making the best of it we can,being in but not of the world-seeing it for what it is,but not (too)attached.that is,at least for me,a tall order,but Catarism was and I believe is,or would be more forgiving than many other outlooks of ourselves and others. youtube/watch?v=iTkW1tq56xE
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 10:38:19 +0000

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