Catherine Ann Clemett shared a channeling from 2004 because she - TopicsExpress


Catherine Ann Clemett shared a channeling from 2004 because she feels its even more relevant today: Stepping Up By Catherine Ann Clemett St. Germain and the Hosts of Heaven Channeled Through Catherine Ann Clemett Wednesday, January 28, 2004 We wish to come to you today, me and my council, to wish you God speed and an easy transition into your new life that you are all creating collectively here upon your beloved Mother Earth. It is indeed a great time upon your planet and a great time for all who are waking up and choosing to consciously evolve in their understanding of light and of living a soul centered God-given life. It is a time for self-reflection and for giving yourself permission to view consciously what has gone on before in your world and become aware that you do have, not only the chance and the opportunity to change it but the God given right to do so. This is not from someone in a position of authority and power outside of yourself to do this but from your own divinity, your own conscious choosing to do so. It is not only a privilege but your right bestowed upon you from the higher realms that you in this age have worked for lifetimes to create this opportunity to step forth and do. Now is the time. The moment of transformation is upon you and in fact well under way. It is a time for the re-emergence of the spirit and of fulfilling the sweet tender longing that has been deep within your beings for a very long time. That tenderness that has had to be so hidden, so protected lest it be vanquished now will find its voice, its place, it is its day. Believe me when I say that you all are Gods for surely this is so. It is now time for the blinders to come off and for the eyes to see. For the sights that are to come forth are magnificent indeed. You must allow yourself and align yourself for the eyes to see however. You are the bridges of consciousness, the rainbow bridges of consciousness that are pulling up the vibration of the human consciousness upon this planet. You are the ones acting as transformers and translators of energy and you are doing a magnificent job. The human DNA is changing to that of the crystalline or Christ consciousness. The crystalline matrix holds the vibration of inter-dimensionality and the coding or records of consciousness or the Akashic records as it were. The crystalline nature of the inter-dimensional DNA now coming online and becoming activated will allow the Akashic records to be more fully accessible for they are part of your physical-etheric-interdimensional beingness that is all merging into the ‘ONE’. Hear me when I say this that you are the Gods and Angels of the universe once in full connection, full awareness full alignment, who have volunteered to fall into the densest of worlds so that by individual personal choice reunion or RE-UNI-ON can occur. It is to move beyond the negating of oneness, the separation of consciousness, back to the re-establishment of the “I” and the One being the same, the unity consciousness. It is time now for all beings to realize that the acceleration of consciousness is occurring like a giant snowball that is picking up speed. How easy or difficult this transformation comes about in your life, for it will; depends on your willingness to participate consciously in this transformational process. And this participation is through intent and desire to do so. It is through aligning yourself with your soul and your soul’s purpose and aligning yourself with Divine Will as this one who is writing has done for she has felt stuck and stagnant for some time and was led to focus upon connecting with the energy, the force of Divine Will. It is a blessing to be the conduit for the higher consciousness to enter into the lower realms and transmute it. All will benefit this way. It is a great service not only to humanity but to divinity itself. You are all honored, loved, cherished, and supported more than you can ever know. The time is now. The moment is now. For only the now exists. I and my brothers of the light are part of you. We are part of the fabric of your crystalline DNA consciousness. Call upon us. Use us. Allow us to be your foundation and your inspiration, that which assists you in accessing the temple of your soul. Your role is more profound than you think, not in complexity of life, but in the simplicity of being truly who you are in love, in compassion, in honor and integrity. And how do you know you are these things? By the shift that happens when you consciously intend to be aligned with the temple of your soul in each moment. To consciously be aligned in all that you do with Divine Will, With Divine Purpose and Divine Love. For then you will feel energy, lightness, a peace, an upliftment, and perhaps insight or inspiration for that is the God within the tenderest of places shining forth and speaking with you. It is with joy, compassion, humor, humility, and love that we come to you for this is our reflection of you back to yourselves that you have called forth. It is who you are at the core, in those deep tender places. We are here to assist you in reflecting that to each other and back to us for in doing so we all return to unity for there is no separation. So be it and so it is. Namaste St. Germain and the Hosts of Heaven.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 21:16:20 +0000

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