Catholic Mass Readings of the day! THE HOLY FAMILY (Feast) ~ - TopicsExpress


Catholic Mass Readings of the day! THE HOLY FAMILY (Feast) ~ SUNDAY 28 December 2014 Gen 15:1-6: 21:1-3 Ps 105:1-9 Heb 11:8,11-12,17-19 Luke 2:22-40 BACK TO GALILEE The pressures of secularism and modern life have again reduced the significance of family life in the lives of most people. Busy schedules, increased alienation from each other and the inability on the part of some to keep up with the fast pace of life mean that families eat fewer meals together. Prayer before meals is a thing of the past since families very rarely have a meal together. For many, family life is restricted to socially required ceremonies at birth, weddings and funerals. The result has been that God has receded from the awareness and experience of everyday family life. Many assume that God is found only in certain places, in sacred buildings, in holy books, or in observances led by holy persons. Their lives, on the other hand, move in a secular realm devoid of the presence of holiness. Daily experiences are reduced and impoverished. They have no meaning beyond themselves, no opening to transcendence. Little room for mystery remains in the everyday life as it becomes increasingly subject to secularism and technology. Reflection on the readings and the feast of the Holy Family challenge us to look at ourselves and our family life anew. We are called to rediscover the simple joys of being together, of everyday experience though shared meals and simply spending time with each other. We need to learn that even as individuals we are not islands, but relational beings. We have come into this world because of family and it is through family that we can continue to sustain ourselves in the world. What is the quality of family life? How can you improve it? ~ Reflection on the Holy Gospel according to Luke 2:22-40
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 17:10:39 +0000

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