Caught an interesting program on AHC this morning. Olly Steeds was - TopicsExpress


Caught an interesting program on AHC this morning. Olly Steeds was having a discussion with John de Nugent, Georgetown grad and expounder of the theory that aryan Scandinavians were the original inhabitants of the Americas and progenitors if civilization across the world. He also stated that the redskins exterminated this so called superior race. It was at the least amusing and entertaining. Just thinking how we as a species are our own worst enemies. Every hue seems to think they are superior . Why ? The Han believe they are the middle kingdom twixt heaven and earth. Europeans thought they had the will of God to subjugate the lesser beings. Americans in the last two centuries had manifest Destiny and referred to the Filipinosas their little brown brothers yet had no qualms about throwing them into concentration camps and waterboarding when those same little brown brothers wanted indendepence from both Spain and America. Various native American tribes also engaged in such, the Aztecs, Mayas come into mind with their mass human sacrificial procedures. I need not mention the Japanese with their so called Co-prosperity Sphere and their attitudes of the 70s and 80s with their attitude of Japan as Number one. I need not also elaborate of Nazi Germany or the BS known as Darwinism. These examples just point out that for some of us, unhappiness is profitable and gives us excuses why such are unhappy with their lot in life and feel the need to blame others for their situation. Worse, they fall back on halfassed theoroms why their kind fell from grace and a need to regain that status.. Being a Marylander, i refer to such a syndrome as the crab pot syndrome. When throwing crabs in the kettle as the water boils, a few crabs would attempt to escape. Other crabs would then grab on to them and pull them back in. I hope you see the analogy. So it is with the fringe. I see it with the riots in Ferguson, but when you see it through, it is the human condition. Despite all our technolgical breakthroughs, we are still the same aboriginals as our farthest ancestors. The need to be superior and the desire to revenge for wrongs done in and beyond our lives just cement the failure. Will we ever reach nirvana ? Individually yes, but unless the species can advance beyond ancient hatreds, i doubt it , for as history and present times show, we fail.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 13:21:44 +0000

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